This research note is a basis of studying the interrelationship between “historical” and “novel” plains of The War and Peace. Two plains have often been considered separately, historical one being criticized because of its inaccuracy and inadequacy. This paper stems from the idea that both are deeply related. As an initial step, it analyzes the scenes of Pierre’s revelation, through whom the author’s main idea is presented. Chapter 2 reveals that Pierre’s murmuring of “unification” and “connection” corresponds with the concept of continuous and discontinuous viewpoints on history that Tolstoy insists. Discussion of chapter 3 goes one step further. Although the author stresses the historical “law” of continuous flow, he never neglects the power of individual “free will.” The scene of Pierre’s broad laugh bespeaks it, which means no rule or order can restrict the individual. To sum up, two plains mentioned above are interrelated in the novel. The further task of this note is that preceding research on The War and Peace as a historical novel and deepened analysis on the novel should be fulfilled to develop it.
1. 서론
2. ‘연결’ 대(對) ‘통합’
3. 법칙 대(對) 자유의지
4. 결론