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KCI등재 학술저널

문제중심학습(PBL) 방법을 적용한 아동관찰및행동연구 수업에서 예비유아교사의 학습경험

Learning Experiences of Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers in the Child Observation and Behavior Study Class Applying a Problem-Based Learning Method

DOI : 10.17253/swueri.2020.78..006
  • 113

본 연구는 문제중심학습(Problem-Based Learning) 방법을 적용한 ‘아동관찰및행동연구’ 수업에서 예비유아교사의 학습경험을 조사하고 그 의미를 살펴봄으로써, 교원양성과정에서 효과적인 PBL 활용 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 연구참여자는 충북지역 4년제 대학 유아교육학과 1학년 학생 26명이었고, PBL에 대한 사전경험은 없었다. PBL 수업은 이론 수업과 병행하여 7주간 진행되었고, 1개의 문제(problem)가 제시되었다. 연구자 저널, 연구참여자의 과제물 및 메모, 집단면담 전사 자료를 수집하여내용분석한 결과 예비유아교사의 학습경험은 다음과 같다. 실제인 듯 실제 아닌 관찰경험, 만족스러운 협력학습 & 신뢰할 수 없는 동료평가, 이캠(e-campus)으로 확인하는학습 과정, 강의와 PBL의 선순환 등 4개의 주제이다. 이를 토대로 교원양성과정에서PBL 수업을 할 때 고려할 내용을 논의하였다.

The study was to investigate learning experiences of pre-service early childhood teachers in the child observation and behavior study class with the application of a problem-based learning method, in order to find a proper application of PBL in the teacher training course. Participants of the study were 26 freshman students of the early childhood education department at a University located in the Chungcheong province, who had no experience of PBL. The PBL method was performed along with lecture during 7 weeks, and one ‘problem’ was provided. The collected data were a researcher’s journal, participants’ assignments and memos, and group interview transcripts, and the content analysis results were as follows. Participants’ learning experiences were revealed as four topics; Observation experience that seems to be not real, satisfied cooperative learning & unreliable peer review, learning process identified through e-campus, and a virtuous circle of lectures and PBL. Based on these, the contents to be considered when PBL class was taught in the teacher training course were discussed.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

Ⅳ. 결론 및 논의
