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KCI등재 학술저널

李奎報의 <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻> 분석

Consideration for <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻> of Lee Gyu Bo (李奎報) -Comments for Reviewing Youth Period of Lee Gyu Bo

DOI : 10.20516/classic. 2020.50.49
  • 61

이 글은 그 동안 한문학 연구에서 비교적 주목되지 못했던 李奎報 求官詩의 창작배경 및 문학적 특징을 밝혀, 청년기 이규보의 삶과 문학을 새롭게 밝히는 것에 목적이 있다. 문학은 전근대 문인의 주요한 삶의 방편이었으며 특히 구관시는 문인의 문학적 능력이 최대한 응축된 대표적인 형식이었으므로 구관시의 창작은 만연했던 풍조였다. 한편 무인정권이 들어서자 다수의 고려 지식인들이 환로가 막혀 곤궁에 처했고 따라서 그들은 문학을 통하여 절망적인 현실에 대응하려 하였다. 이규보의 구관시 창작도 이러한 맥락 속에 있다. 수십 편의 이규보 구관시 가운데 <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻>은 그의 문학적 역량을 가장 잘 보여주는 작품이다. 이 작품은 구관의 목적을 달성하기 위해 ‘상대방의 칭송 &#8211; 상대방과 자신의 특별한 인연 환기- 자신의 입장 호소-상대방 존재의 필수부가결성 강조’라는 4단락의 설득구조를 갖추는 전략을 썼다. 또 형식적인 면에서 기교를 자랑하기에 알맞은 까다로운 排律詩라는 형식에다, ‘虞’韻만을 사용하여 자신의 변화하는 감정을 표현하였다. 마지막으로 博深한 전거 활용을 통해 자신의 지식수준을 드러냈는데 이는 단순한 전거의 나열에 그치지 않고 자신의 감정을 적절하게 드러내는데 활용하였다. 결론적으로, 이규보는 <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻>에서 구관의 목적을 달성하기 위해 내용과 형식 모두에 걸쳐 자신의 문학적 능력을 총체적으로 드러냈다고 할 수 있다.

This study aims to investigate the backdrop and literary characteristics of Googwansi (求官詩: a poem to ask for an official post) by Lee Gyu Bo (李奎報) that has not been relatively noticed thus far in the domain of Chinese literature research, thereby, shedding a light on the period that Lee Gyu Bo had lived and newly elucidating his literary value. Although Lee Gyu Bo passed the state examination for the government posts at the times, he was not granted as an officer for several years, and therefore, he created about 22 poems of Googwansi until being nominated as the very first official post. Googwansi was typically composed for those who have a friendly relationship, and in particular, he composed the <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻> for Jang Ja Mok (張自牧) who was in the position of Sirang (侍郞: a position of a vice-minister class) to demonstrate his literary competency. This poem well illustrates his literary competency and skills. In terms of the characteristics, the poem was structured with 4 paragraphs to persuade the counterpart, for instance, ‘praise of the counterpart &#8211; reminding of a special connection between himself and the counterpart &#8211; appealing for his position &#8211; emphasizing that the existence of the counterpart is essential’, and he used a strategy that gradually stimulates the emotion of the counterpart. In a formality aspect, <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻> was composed of utilizing ‘Woo (虞)’ rhyme on top of Baeyulsi (排律詩: a Chinese poem with violated rules). Since Baeyulsi has a relatively tricky form, it is suitable for showing off his skills and ‘Woo (虞)’ rhyme is also appropriate to conveys his complicated feelings. In this context, it can be speculated that Lee Gyu Bo chose the Baeyul (i.e. violated rules) and ‘Woo (虞)’ rhyme intentionally in composing the poems. Finally, he disclosed his knowledge level and hard efforts on studying through utilizing the broad and deep grounds, and he seemed to take advantage of those broad grounds to properly disclose his feelings rather than just listing them. In conclusion, it is thought that Lee Gyu Bo completely demonstrated his literary competence to other parties through <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻>. This study investigated &#65378;jeong jang sirang jamok ilbaekwoon&#65379;(meaning of the 100 verses for Jang Ja Mok in Sirang position). It is the first step to trace and to harmoniously examine a figure named Lee Gyu Bo with a trajectory of life as the life cycle. It is expected to have an opportunity that can exhibit his different aspects and shed light on his entire life through more researches in the future.

1. 문제제기

2. <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻>의 창작 배경

3. <呈張侍郞自牧一百韻>의 분석

4. 결론을 대신하여
