최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A V-Raising Approach to the Focus Projection of the Operator –Man Only’

DOI : 10.15860/sigg.30.3.202008.397
  • 16

This paper is concerned with the focus projection of man ‘only’. First of all, this paper generalizes that focus projection takes place when -man is the sister of a constituent that is adjacent to V. Second, I claim that the generalization follows if we provide a V-raising/-man-lowering approach: that is, focus projection takes place when man ‘only’ takes vP as its complement and lowers onto the closest constituent after V-to-T raising takes place. This claim amounts to saying that sentential negation and sentential focus are generated in the same way. It will be shown that this proposal provides a principled account of the focus projection of the contrastive marker -nun as well as that of -man.

1. Puzzle

2. Short Negation and V-Raising Analysis

3. Extension of the V-raising Analysis to -Man-Constructions

4. Summary and Conclusion

