최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Relaxation of Radical Reconstruction in Korean Long-distance Scrambling

DOI : 10.15860/sigg.30.3.202008.315
  • 92

In this paper, I demonstrate that radical reconstruction of a long-distance scrambled phrase in Korean can be relaxed if we can obtain convergence only by interpreting the phrase outside of its base position. The data are extended from Beck & Kim (1997)’s observations on the interaction of a wh-phrase and a negative polarity item in Korean (so called, NPI intervention effect). It is shown that reconstruction is also subject to the NPI intervention effect in Korean. I argue that Beck & Kim’s NPI intervention effect can be explained under Relativized Minimaltiy.

1. Introduction

2. NPI Intervention Effects

3. Data

4. Relativized Minimality

5. Conclusion

