최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

탄뎀수업에서의 이문화 학습에 관한 연구

A Study on Intercultural Learning in Tandem Class - Focusing on Examples that Appeared in Learners’ Study Log

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..90.003
  • 22

本稿は、「韓国語-日本語タンデム学習」という授業に参加した日本人留学生と韓国人学生の学習活動の実例を通して、学習者同士の異文化間コミュニケーションの様相について考察したものである。 まず、学習者中心の自律学習が前提となるこの授業で、学生たちが選んだ学習テーマは非常に多様に現れた。これらは従来の一般的な日本文化関連授業で扱われるテーマとは違う様相が見られ、これからの文化関連授業の参考になると思われる。 また、学習者が主体になって行われた学習活動を記した学習日誌の内容から分析した結果、タンデム型の授業を通して学習者間の自然な異文化間コミュニケーションが行われていることが確認できた。そして振り返りを通した学習活動に対する内省からは、この授業が自文化と異文化の理解および自律学習能力の向上に役立っていることがわかった。このタンデム型の授業の実例はこれからの日本語教育と韓国語教育の場で活用できると思われる。

This study introduces examples of learning activities of Japanese and Korean students who participated in the ‘Korean-Japanese Tandem Learning’ class,and examines aspects of communication between the students from both countries. First of all, in this class where learner-centered self-learning is the premise, the learning themes selected by the students appeared very diverse. It showed a slightly different aspect from the themes discussed in general Japanese culture classes, and this example can be used as a reference in future cultural lessons. In addition, as a result of reviewing the example sentences in the study log prepared by the learner, it was found that smooth cultural communication between learners is being achieved through tandem learning. In addition, it is considered that the reflection on learning activities through reviewing the learning is not only a simple cultural comparison, but also a deepening of the understanding of the country’s culture as well as the other’s culture and helps improve their self-learning skills. The actuality of this class can be used in various forms in future Japanese language education and Korean language education.

1. 서 론

2. 선행연구

3. 탄뎀수업을 통한 이문화 학습

4. 결론

