최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『다와레구사(たはれ草)』에 나타난 아메노모리 호슈(雨森芳洲)의 ‘리(理)’

The Concept of “reason” Depicted by Hoshu Amenomori in Tawaregusa

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..90.019
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本研究は『たはれ草』に表れている「理」の表現に着目し、学問·政治·言語·文化に見る「理」の表現を糸口として考察した結果、次のような結論が確認された。 第一に、学問において雨森芳洲は、「格物致知」、そしてその根幹を成す「知」と「行」の道理、忠孝の道理、学びの道における悟りの道理を説いていた。第二に、政治において芳洲は、「三種の神器」を論じながら、「仁」· 「明」·「武」という「三種の徳」の大切さを強調していた。そして、政治は学者にさせるものではない、賢明な為政者の判断が大切であるという道理を語っていた。第三に、言語において芳洲は、各国の言語は自然の理から生まれたと述べていた。そして、中国語の勉強における三つの難点を指摘し、言語学者らしい識見がよく表れていた。第四に、文化において芳洲は、桜の散りゆく自然の理から、国や家の事を顧慮し、音楽·詩の例を挙げ、自然の理を説き、その国や時代の勢に合わせるべき道理を説いていた。芳洲の異文化認識がよく表れていると言えよう。

In this study, we pay special attention to the expressions of “reason” employed in Tawaregusa to analyze the ways in which these expressions are used to represent learning, politics, language, and culture. Our main findings are as follows. Firstly, Hoshu Amenomori expounded the concept of “格物致知”(the principle of pursuing the reason and nature of things and leading to the understanding of them), its underlying reasons of “knowledge” and “practice,” the right of Tadataka, and the right of understanding in learning. Secondly, About politics, Hoshu emphasized the importance of “the Three Essential Virtues” consisting of “justice,” “clarity,” and “martial arts” by discussing “the Three Sacred Treasures”. Also, he stated that politics should be conducted not by scholars but by wise politicians. Thirdly, he stated that the language of each country emerges from the reason of nature, and also pointed out the three difficulties concerning the learning of the Chinese language, which reveals his linguistic erudition. Fourthly, he discussed culture, raising his concerns about the nation and households based on the “falling cherry blossom” reason of nature and taking music and poem as examples to expound the reason of nature and the necessity of conforming to the state-of-affairs of the country and the era. These points clearly indicate Hoshu’s recognition of diverse cultures.

1. 들어가며

2. ‘리(理)’의 사전적 의미와 표현 양상

3. 『다와레구사』에 나타난 ‘리(理)’

4. 나가며

