최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Portrait of Prince Nagaya and the Diet of the Aristocracies Found in the Wooden Materials of the Prince Nagaya Family

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..90.021
  • 4

本稿は長屋王家木簡から當時の上流貴族がどのような物を口にしていたのか分析するものである。 但し、長屋王という人物は皇族であるが、複雑な血縁構成を持っており、一括りで貴族としてはならない側面を持つために、長屋王という人物に対しての考察を行う必要がある。そのためには上の世代である父親の状況を確かめる必要があり、父親である高市皇子の皇族としての地位を分析する。そして、次世代の長屋王が置かれていた状況を分析し、官界内での長屋王の位置を明確にしようと思う。最後に充分に長屋王の立場を把握した後、長屋王家木簡の中から、食材についた荷札木簡を抜粋し、當時の上流貴族がどのような食材を口にしたのか、分析を試みようと思う。また、長屋王に対し送られた荷札木簡の中に散見される「贄」と記載された木簡についても考察しようと思う。

This article analyzes what the upper class nobles of the time ate by taking a look at the Wooden Materials of the Prince Nagaya family. However, although Prince Nagaya was a member of the Imperial family, he had a very complicated blood relationship. Due to this, it was necessary to consider Prince Nagaya as a person himself because this complication was an aspect that did not let him easily consider himself the same as all the other aristocracies. In order to do this, it was necessary to check the situation of his father, who was from an older generation of the Nagaya family. From here, his social status as Prince Takechi and as a member of the Imperial family was also going to be analyzed. Then, this paper will analyze the situation where the next generation, Prince Nagaya, was placed in and clarify what position he was in within the government. Finally, after fully understanding Prince Nagaya’s position, this paper will try to analyze what kind of ingredients the upper class nobles of the time ate by excerpting related topics from the Wooden Materials of Prince Nagaya’s family. In addition, this paper will examine Wooden Materials that had the word ‘tributes’ written on it, which was often seen on Wooden Materials that were sent to Prince Nagaya.

1. はじめに

2. 長屋王の先代を取り卷く狀況

3. 長屋王の官界內での位置

4. 長屋王家木簡に見る上流貴族の食生活

5. 結び

