최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본 황조(皇祖) 신화와 의례의 관계

The Relationship between Kososhin (Imperial Ancestor) Myths and Rituals - Focusing on the Kogosyuui(古語拾遺)

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..90.023
  • 41


This paper examines how myths and rituals are influenced and transformed by political and social factors such as governmental ideology and institutional changes, based on Kogosyuui compiled by Inbeno Hironariga in 807 in the Heian period. For the purpose of establishing an ancient centralized state system and strengthening the kingship, the Japanese mythology reorganized around Amaterasu, the ancestral god of the emperor and the rituals and ceremonies for the gods of heaven and the gods of the earth are also established under the control of the imperial family. During the process, the Inbe clan, who was in charge of the Yamato court rites equally with the Nakatomi clan from generation to generation, criticized the monopoly of the national sacrifice by the Nakatomi clan, which had increased political influence after the Taika reform. In particular, raising the question that the role of making an offering to Ise Shrine (Isejingu) was originally in charge of the Inbe clan, based on the myth of Nihonsyoki, shows the close relationship between the myths and rituals. In other words, Kogosyuui shows well that rituals give life to myths by acting as a visual representation of the myth and myths are often rewritten to explain and justify the present rituals.

1. 머리말

2. 『고어습유(古語拾遺)』의 구성과 성립 배경

3. 『고어습유』 11개조와 의례

4. 맺음말

