최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

가와바타 야스나리의 ‘삽화소설’ 고찰

A Study on ‘an Illustration Novel’ by Kawabata Yasunari - Exchange between Literature and Art Viewed through Sakikisou Hana

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..90.016
  • 43

本稿は川端康成の&#65378;&#21682;き競ふ花&#65379;を&#23550;象に、文&#23398;と美術の融合について考察した。1924~25年に連載された本作品は<&#25407;&#30011;小&#35500;>という形式を取っている。本稿では&#25407;&#30011;小&#35500;というジャンルに注目し、&#38306;東大震災前後の新聞、&#38609;誌の文芸欄におけるグラフィックの多用現象について探ってみた。本作品もその延長線にある作品と見ていいと思われる。 川端は&#65378;&#21682;き競ふ花&#65379;の&#30330;表において、&#25407;&#30011;小&#35500;としての連載を認知していたので、創作に&#24403;たって、&#25407;&#30011;に&#23550;する考慮があったと判&#26029;される。形式においても、&#27598;回10~14枚の&#25407;&#30011;とともに&#25522;載されるので、小&#35500;の連結性や理解のために章ごとにタイトルをつけている。また、小&#35500;そのものの平易で、大衆的風俗小&#35500;のようになっているのも&#25407;&#30011;小&#35500;という形式と無&#38306;係ではないと思われる。&#25407;&#30011;もまた、小&#35500;の&#20869;容を集約的に見せるものであって、登場人物の心理描&#20889;を中心に描かれている。そして、その&#25407;&#30011;は多分に映&#30011;のカットに類似していることが指摘できる。結論的に、&#65378;&#21682;き競ふ花&#65379;は<&#25407;&#30011;小&#35500;>というタイトルの下に‘&#25407;&#30011;を配慮した小&#35500;、小&#35500;のための&#32117;&#30011;’を通し、&#32117;によって生じた小&#35500;の&#26029;絶、その&#26029;絶を補う小&#35500;の形式と&#32117;の役割が絶妙な融合を成し遂げているといえる。

This paper studiesthe exchange between, and fusion of, literature and art targeting Sakikisou Hanaby Kawabata Yasunari. This work was published serially in 1924 to 1925 assuming a format called <an illustration novel> and the present paper focuses on it. It is judged that Kawabata considered illustrations in creative poems because he knew Sakikisou Hanawould be published as ‘the illustration novel.’ His consideration is shown as simple contents. It is thought that he set simple contents to supplement ‘interruption’ phenomena due to much used illustrations and divided pages. Second, each chapter was titled so that readers could guess the contents. The illustrations explained the contents of the novel or showed the psychological description of the characters with pictures and played a role of cuts of movies as the contents are connected in their entirety by them. In conclusion, the novel that considered the illustrations and the illustrations for the novel make a change with each other in this work in the name of a genre called an illustration novel. That is, there is an interruption of the novel by the illustrations, but the role of the pictures that considered the format and contents of the novel by the writer and supplement it creates an exquisite fusion.

1. 들어가며

2. 1924년의 가와바타, 그리고 『부녀계』 문예란

3. 소설로서의 <흐드러지게 피는 꽃>

4. 삽화와 소설의 소통, <흐드러지게 피는 꽃>

5. 맺음말

