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KCI등재 학술저널

조선후기 善政碑 건립 과정과 시기별 추이

The Construction Processes of Good Governance Monuments in the Late Chosun Dynasty and Time-Periodic Trends: Focused on the Gyeongbuk Area

DOI : 10.15186/ikc.2020.08.31.11
  • 194

조선 왕조가 붕괴할 때까지 건립된 선정비는 수령의 要譽 문화를 대표하는유물이다. 선정비 건립의 경로는 백성들이 자발적으로 세우거나 이・향임 주도하에 아니면 수령 본인 스스로 세우는 방법이 행해졌다. 세 경로 중 이・향임과 수령들에 의해 이루어지는 경우가 가장 빈번하였다. 수령칠사에 해당하는 선정을펼쳤거나 수령의 정책으로 은혜를 입었다는 여론이 형성되면 선정비 건립을추진하였다. 건립이 결정되면 회의를 통해 제반 절차를 논의했으며, 입비전과석재 운반은 각 면에 분정하여 확보하였다. 건립비용에서 비중이 제일 높은것은 석각에 드는 비용이며, 선정비 구성은 비교적 간단하기 때문에 제작 소요일은 길지 않았다. 조선시대 선정비의 건립 추이는 전기에는 일찍이 금지 조처가 내려졌기 때문에 금지령이 해지되기 이전까지는 공식적인 건립은 없었다. 금지령을 해지한 중종 대까지도 어느 정도 엄격한 기준에 의해 건립된 것으로 보인다. 조선후기에는 크게 3시기로 구분할 수 있다. 제1시기는 선조 대부터 현종 대까지본격적인 선정비 폐단에 대한 문제가 제기되어 현종 대 2차례 금지령을 내리는 등 그 건립 추이가 일정치 않았다. 제2시기인 숙종 대 부터 영・정조시기는어느 정도 왕권 강화에 힘입어 선정비에 대한 금지령 조처와 훼철을 단행하여일정한 성공을 거두었다. 특히 영조 대 박문수의 노력으로 금지령 위반자를구체적 처벌 규정이 마련되고, 정조는 금지령 위배 선정비에 대한 철거 작업을 펼쳤다. 제3기는 세도정치 이후로 거의 전국 모든 지역에서 지위고하를 막론하고 선정비가 세워지던 시기로 난립을 넘어 선정비 홍수의 시기였다.

Monuments of good governance that were constructed until the collapse of the Chosun Dynasty are relics that are representative of the ‘honor’ culture of district magistrates. Monuments of good governance were raised voluntarily by the people, under the lead of e・hyangims, or by local governors (suryeong). Of these three channels, the most frequently used were by e・hyangims and by local governors. Monuments of good governance were erected when exemplary government that c orresponds to the seven events of a magistrate was c arried out or when there was public opinion that the people have shared benefits due to magistrate policies. When decisions were made for the construction of good governance monuments, various procedures were discussed through councils and construction funds and stone transportation were secured through segregation to each myeon. The largest portion of construction costs was used for stone carving and because the compositions of good governance monuments were relatively simple, production did not take long periods of time. With construction trends of good governance monuments in the Chosun Dynasty, there were good governance monument bans during early periods so there were no official erections until the prohibitions were terminated. Even during the Reign of King Jungjong when the prohibition orders were terminated, erections were made under relatively strict standards. The late Chosun Dynasty can largely be divided into three periods. In the first period from the reign of King Seonjo to the reign of King Hyeonjong, issues were raised with the disuse of good governance monuments and as prohibition orders were given a second time during the reign of King Hyeonjong, construction trends were not constant. The second period was from the reign of King Sookjong to the Days of Kings Yeongjo・Jeongjo and with power gained from the strengthening of royal authority, prohibition measures against good governance monuments along with decisive actions towards demolition achieved uniform success. In particular, specific punishment regulations were set against those who violated prohibition orders with the efforts of Park Moon Soo during the reign of King Youngjo and Jeongjo progressed with the demolition of good governance monuments that were in violation of prohibition orders. The third period was that of Sedo politics and it was a period when good governance monuments were constructed regardless of rank in all areas across the country and the period was flooded with good governance monuments.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 선정비의 건립과정

Ⅲ. 선정비 건립의 시기별 추이

Ⅴ. 맺음말
