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KCI등재 학술저널

경주 선도산 아미타삼존상(仙桃山 阿彌陀三尊像)

A Study on the Amitabha Buddha Triad of Mt. Sun-Do in Gyeongju

DOI : 10.15186/ikc.2020.08.31.12
  • 203

경주 선도산 아미타삼존상(이하 선도산불상)은 경주시 서악동 선도산의 정상 부근에 위치하며 현재 보물 제67호로 지정되어 있다. 선도산불상은 신라 불상 중에서 단석산 마애불상군을 제외하면 조성규모가가장 크고 신라 불상의 고유한 특징과 함께 중국 北齊-隋代의 다양한 불상 양식을 동시에 가지고 있어 일찍부터 관심의 대상이 되었다. 불상이 위치한 선도산은 신라에서 西岳이라 불리며 仙桃聖母의 주재처로숭상 받던 곳이기도 하다. 현재 선도산의 아래에는 무열왕릉을 비롯하여 서악리고분군 및 무열왕 후손의 묘가 있으며 불상은 선도산에서 이들 고분군을 내려 보는 것 같이 조성되어 있어 지리적 위치 또한 주목을 받았다. 본고는 이러한 점에 주목하여 선도산불상의 조성시기와 조성목적을 살펴보았다. 조성시기에 관해서는 일반적으로 7세기 중엽으로 막연히 인식했으나 양식적 특징을 살펴 본 결과 650~670년경의 조성으로 판단된다. 또한 선도산불상이 아미타삼존인 점에 주목하여 조성시기에 즈음한 아미타신앙의 형태를살핀 결과 이는 ‘死者의 극락왕생을 위한 追善’에 가장 가까운 것으로 ‘功德으로 死者의 극락왕생을 비는 믿음’에서 조성된 것이라 하겠다. 덧붙여 이러한대규모의 불사는 일반 백성의 의지로 보기는 어렵고 지리적인 위치 등을 고려했을 때 불상의 발원 세력은 왕족으로 보아도 무리가 없을 것이다. 따라서 선도산불상은 무열왕대에 先代의 왕생을 빌며 발원했거나 혹은 문무왕의 발원으로 조성되었을 것으로 생각되며 특히 불상의 양식을 고려하면 650년경을전후로 한 시기에 무열왕의 발원으로 조성되었을 가능성이 가장 높다. 이와 같이 선도산 불상은 왕실에서 발원하여 대규모로 조성되어 당대의 신앙형태를 충실히 반영한 작품으로 신앙적인 면에서나 조각사적인 면에서 가치를 재조명 받아야 할 것으로 생각된다.

Amitabha Buddha Triad, Mt. Sun-Do, Buddha images of the Silla period, Amitabha, The Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain are located near the top of the Sun-Do mountain in Gyeoung-Ju. And they are designated as a national treasure No. 67. The Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain have the biggest development plan among the Buddha images of the Silla period except for the Buddha Image of the Dan-Suk mountain. And The Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain have both the distinctive features of the Buddha images of the Silla period and the various forms of the Buddha images from the period of Buk(北) dynasty to the period of Seo(隋) dynasty. So, The Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain have ever been received attention among the other Buddha images of the Silla period. The Sun-Do mountain where the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images are located was called the West mountain(西岳) in the Silla period and it was regarded sacred mountain because the people performed a religious service there. There are the ancient tombs of West mountain(西岳) Ri which are assumeded as the royal tombs of the King Moo-Yeoul s royal family headed by the King Moo-Yeoul s tomb, and the tombs of the King Moo-Yeoul s descendants under the Sun-Do mountain now. The Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain look as if they overlook these tombs on top of the Sun-Do mountain. Some studies based on these historical backgrounds and the geographical position are published, but those studies mainly lay emphasis on the period of complection of the Buddha Images. And a overoll study has not wok out y et. Also, in the case of the period of complection which is known doesn t crosscheck concretely. So, we have to reconsider about this. Accordingly , this thesis is aimed at making clear the period of complection of the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain, the purpose of complection, and their historical background information of complection. Since the idea which the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain were made around 650 was raised, the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain have been regarded made in the mid-seventh century. But I judge that the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain were made around 670. Compared to the other Buddha Images made around that time and because of their distinctive features. In addition, the established studies say s that the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain don t have the patterns of Dang(唐) period. But the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain have the similar patterns and the distinctive features of the Buddha images in Dang(唐) period in various respects. Consquently, I judge that the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain are the first work that have the particular patterns of Dang(唐) period among the Silla Buddha images. Judging from the patterns of the Amitabha faith in Silla period when the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain were made, this is closely connected with a requiem mass and a gentle and easy death for dead man. Because people of that age believed that their ancestors will pass away peacefully and rebirth in paradise by their acts of charity. In addition, the people s will couldn t work to this large-scale Buddhist service at that age. So, for the geographical position, at least the royal family have some connection with the furnished money for making the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain. Accordingly, for the time when the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain were made, the Amitabha Buddha Triad Images of the Sun-Do mountain might be made by the royal family who prayed for their ancestor s a gentle and easy death or they were made by King Moon-Moo s support.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 경주 서악과 선도산불상

Ⅲ. 선도산불상과 7세기 신라 불교조각

Ⅳ. 신라 아미타신앙의 전개와 선도산불상

Ⅴ. 맺음말
