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KCI등재 학술저널

여대생의 건강체력과 비만에 대한 물과 커피 섭취량과의 관계

Relationship between water and coffee intake on Health-related Physical Fitness and obesity of women s university student

DOI : 10.12925/jkocs.2020.37.4.649
  • 306

본 연구는 여대생 900명을 대상으로 물 섭취량과 커피 섭취량에 따른 건강체력 및 비만에 대한 차이를 알아보고자 하였다. 측정은 건강체력요인 체력에 근력(악력, 배근력), 근지구력(윗몸일으키기),유연 성(앉아앞으로굽히기) 심폐지구력(하버드스텝)을 측정하였고, 체성분 측정기기 Inbody를 이용하여 신체조 성(세포내액, 세포외액, 단백질, 무기질, 체수분량, 근육량, 제지방량, 체지방량)과 비만(BMI, 체지방률, 복부지방률, 비만도)의 각 항목을 측정하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS를 이용하여 이원변량분석과 일원변량분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 건강체력과 비만에 대한 물과 커피 섭취량 집단 간 상호작용은 나타나지 않았다. 각독립변인 별 일원변량분석을 실시한 결과 건강체력요인 중 체력요인은 물과 커피 섭취량에 따른 유의미한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 신체조성(세포내액, 단백질, 무기질, 체수분량, 근육량, 제지방량)에서 물 7잔 이상 섭취 집단이 1∼4잔 섭취 집단보다 유의미하게 높았으며, 커피는 3∼4잔 섭취 집단이 미섭취 집단에 비하여 유의미하게 높았다. 비만요인의 경우 물 섭취량에 따라 유의미한 차이는 나타나지 않았지만, 커피의 경우 비만도에서 3∼4잔 섭취 집단이 미섭취 집단에 비하여 비만도가 높게 나타나, 커피는 물과 달리 비만과 관련이 있음을 알았다. 차후 물과 커피와 같은 다양한 음료 섭취에 대한 성별, 연령대별 차이에 관한 연구가 진행되어 진다면 보다 나은 건강을 위한 개인별 특성에 따른 수분 섭취방법으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

The purpose of this study is to verify the difference in health and obesity according to water and coffee intake. The study subject is 900 female college students. Physical fitness factors measured in this study were physical strength(grip strength, back muscle strength), muscle endurance (sit-up), Flexibility(Sit & reach) and cardiopulmonary endurance(harvard step). The factors of body composition (intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, protein, mineral, body water content, muscle mass, lean body mass, body fat mass) and obesity (BMI, body fat percentage, abdominal fat percentage, obesity) were measured with the Inbody equipment. SPSS program was used for all data analysis. Group differences were verified by two-way ANOVA and one-way ANOVA. The results are as follows. There was no interaction effect between water and coffee intake on health and obesity. Therefore, the difference of the dependent variables according to each independent variable was verified. There was no significant difference in physical fitness according to water intake and coffee intake, but there was a significant difference in body composition (intracellular fluid, protein, minerals, body water, muscle mass and lean body mass). Water drinking group more than 7 cups had significantly higher body composition than the 1-4 cups water drinking group. In the case of coffee, the body composition of the 3 cup intake group was significantly higher than that of the none intake group. Obesity was significantly higher than the none intake and 1-2 cup intake groups. Based on the study results, water intake was not related to obesity, but coffee was related. For further studies, it would be better to consider gender and age differences in drinking various beverages such as water and coffee and that would be used to suggest a desirable way of water intake according to individual characteristics of the better health.

1. 서 론

2. 연구방법

3. 결 과

4. 논 의

5. 결 론

