최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국내 국공립대학교 생활관 공간현황 및 사례분석

Spatial Analysis of College Dormitories with Emphasis on the Dormitories of National Universities in Korea

DOI : 10.36357/johe.2020.24.2.49
  • 52

The purpose of this study was to investigate the spatial attributes of college dormitories based on the 2019 reports of the association of national university dormitories in Korea. Furthermore, it analysed four dormitories established in the previous 3 years for spatial arrangements of students’ rooms and convenience facilities to suggest ideas for improvement. The average capacity was 22.1% and the number of dormitories with capacity below 20.0% was 6 out of 52. 19 campuses had dormitories older than 30 years, which were managed by the universities themselves. Although the number of single rooms in dormitories has increased, 41 campuses had less than 5% of them and 12 had no single rooms. Among dormitories younger than 10 years, one campus had rooms with common toilets, while others had private toilets in the studio or apartment. Most dormitories provided a lounge, gym, study, dining hall, mart, laundry, and computer room. On the case study, double-occupancy rooms in all the four dormitories had parallel furniture arrangements where two closets, beds, desks, and chairs were placed symmetrically and the beds were less than 1 meter apart. The bathrooms were narrow with the shower connected to the washstand faucet. The facilities such as the lounge, gym, and laundry were located in the basement or first floor. Public refrigerators and daily lounges were available every one or two floors, and a public kitchen was available for foreign students. The dormitories had convenience stores and coffee shops but some were not useful as they remained closed for vacation. For spatial improvement of college dormitories, the standard area per student must be increased, without uniform space and furniture arrangement. The use of high-quality materials and equipment must be encouraged irrespective of the convenience and profitability of the management.

I. 서론

II. 선행연구 고찰

III. 연구방법

IV. 결과분석

V. 결론 및 논의

