최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

주민자치센터에 대한 주민의식분석과 발전방안

An Analysis of Citizens Perception and Development Plan on the Citizen Autonomy Center

  • 11

According to the policy of transforming Eup·Myeon·Dong function, Citizen Autonomy Center was made at the level of Eup・ Myeon. ・Dong in 1999. There have been lots of report on advantages of Citizen Autonomy Center at Eup·Myeon·Dong levels. The present study surveyed citizen of Gunpo City and tried to assess the policy and make suggestions for further development of Citizen Autonomy Center through the analysis of their perception. Being based on the present study, the following suggestions are made: First, there is a need to improve in selecting and appointing members of Citizen Autonomy Committee. Second, the participation and representation of citizens in Citizen Autonomy Committee need to be enhanced. Third, the operation methods of Citizen Autonomy Center need to be improved. Finally, there is a need to transform facilities and programs of Citizen Autonomy Center.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 주민자치센터에 관한 이론적 고찰

Ⅲ. 군포시 주민자치센터 운영 현황

Ⅳ. 주민의식 분석

Ⅴ. 시사점 및 발전방안

