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KCI등재 학술저널

도시문화예술의 생활화를 위한 축제의 의의

The Significance of the a Festivals for Urban Life and Arts

  • 175

최근 가장 두드러진 문화적 현상 중 하나가 바로 축제의 양적 증가이다. 21세기 문화산업의 가장 큰 변화는 실내용 작품의 제작비가 점차 높아지는데 반해 극장 관객의 숫자는 고정되어 있다는 것이며 “극장예술을 찾던 관객이 점차 축제로 이동해 가고 있다”는 점이 가장 큰 특징이다. 이러한 예술축제의 증가에 따라 거리공연의 대두가 두드러지고 있다. 대부분의 축제가 실내가 아닌 실외에서 열리기 때문에 축제는 주로 거리공연의 형태로 나타난다. 거리공연은 특정한 공간을 필요로 하지 않으며, 많은 사람들을 축제의 일원으로 참여시킬 수 있다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 예술축제의 수적 증가에 따라 거리공연은 점차 수면 밖으로 모습을 드러내고 있고 이는 앞으로 더욱더 가속화될 전망이다. 비아페스티벌은 다양하고 통합적이며 예술적인 축제로 서울 도심에서 개최되는 최초의 본격적인 거리극 및 거리예술축제이다. 2008년부터 기획된 본 행사는 한강 여의도 봄꽃 축제 기간 중 개최되는 거리극 중심의 축제로서, 지역의 환경적 요인을 반영하여 오로지 한강 여의도의 새봄에서만 향유할 수 있는 독창적인 예술축제로서의 발전을 의도 한다. 비아페스티벌은 인간과 자연과의 만남을 위한 공간적 설정에서 출발하여 길가에 피어난 봄꽃들을 음미하는 가운데 ‘한강 여의도 봄꽃축제’의 흥을 고조시키고 이를 문화적으로 승화시킬 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 또한 꽃, 한강 등의 환경적 요인과 그 의미를 능동적으로 해석한 주제의 공연을 중심으로한 본격적인 거리극 공연들 을 유치함으로써 국제적 수준의 거리예술축제의 방향성을 제시한다. 비아페스티벌을 통해 예술성과 공연성이 갖는 효과, 축제의 공간이 갖는 효과, 축제의 도시공간이 갖는 효과 , 축제의 창작자(예술가)에게 미치는 영향을 통해 비아페스티벌의 사회문화적 측면의 효과를 알아보았다.

Via festivals that make up the Han River, Yeouido Spring festival one of the main program that you want to reinvent itself as a cultural arts festival, depending on the direction of its development planning since 2008 has been doe is a full-fledged site-specific performance and multi arts festival. Life in space in the case of panoramic street theater festival transformed into the space is inviting outdoor space that is deployed in the daily street theater of the case, the spatial perception and meaning are delivered differently. Provided via a variety of programs each year, The festival makes open, participative, communication oriented festival. 2011 4th year anniversary festival continues via the more compelling performances and artistic performances were prepared. Prepared in the planning stage, street performances, pop-up performances, official Invited, offering a small selection was great response to the citizens. Planning Via festival performances in 2011 Creative work movie Happiness is in my heart a beautiful picture and sound performance in harmony with the overall image and sound at the center, delicately expressed spatially. Video, music, sound, and movement of this complex harmonies constitute the audience was a new pleasure and excitement. Families, couples, and elderly people, students can enjoy together, and all citizens and artists in the cultural festival activities were collectively come together. In addition, various genres of performing arts through the fun and let citizens were ready to go mobile performance. Through festivals and performing arts via a highly effective, with the effects of space festival, the festival has the effect of the urban space, the festival s creators (artists) through the impact of the festival for vias evaluated the effect of socio-cultural festival. First, the traditional festival held in celebration of singing and playing the game the way the non-professional artistic people, the French In-Senso invited dance groups and performances to the audience by planning to obtain a good response. Via the popularity of dance through festivals and theaters, and so on diversity awareness will be interpreted as dancers. Second, the Grand Chapter, or as a small theater to try breaking the existing performance space for theater stage performances around the seas, lakes and rivers, parks and outdoor venues, including the diversification of the permanent stage has been expanded continuously. Via festival of modern dance, mime, choral performances, and so many genres, versed in the show, if not a deep person with free admission can be enjoyed casually. Third, via the festival takes place at St. adjacent to the fine arts is changing and new forms, while comprehensive, concrete and dirt, stress-filled life in the city people think is the meaning of the essentially Fourth, the vias through the festival audience and the creators of the fast feedback can be drawn through the immediate response and communication among the narrow streets are not readily available gives us the opportunity to watch the show. The Site-specific performance are engaged in the work of artists in my day-to-day street festival in the outdoor space and provide them and the development of street arts in Korea and to contribute to establish. Been spectacular festival simply things will have to avoid to fall, foreign images in serious abuse and promote professional and popular art festivals do not need a castle appropriate defects. Solidarity and community spirit of local people directly involved with the festival prepares to assume an active interest and participation in professional and popular festivals naturally made a successful meeting will be made.

1. 서론

2. 문화예술의 생활화를 위한 거리축제의 의의

3. 비아페스티벌 현황 및 구성

4. 비아페스티벌의 의의

5. 결론
