최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Relationship of Gender and Age to the Causes and Results of VIOLENCE in MULTICULTURAL FAMILIES in KOREA

DOI : 10.22471/crisis.2020.5.2.38
  • 21

Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to analyze the link between the demographic vari-ables of multicultural families in the causes and outcomes of violence in multicultural families in Korea. Specifically, this study aims to verify whether the gender and age variables of multi-cultural families have statistically significant relationships with the causes and consequences of violence in multicultural families. Method: First, frequency analysis was conducted to identify the general characteristics of the survey sample using SPSS 23.0. Second, the Cronbach s α coefficient was calculated to verify the reliability of the questionnaire. Third, t-test was conducted to identify the differences in each question by gender. Fourth, One Way ANOVA was conducted to identify the differences in each question by age. Fifth, Cross Tabulation(Chi-Square) was conducted to identify the connection differences in gender and age. Results: The level of response was derived differently depending on the gender and age of the couples of multicultural families in some cases of the causes and results of violence in multicul-tural families. The analysis results of this study suggest that the central and local governments need a customized strategy considering the gender and age of policy recipients in establishing and implementing policies to support multicultural families. Conclusion: Despite the practical contribution of this study, the following limitations exist, and they should be addressed in follow-up studies on multicultural families. First, the cause and re-sult of violence in multicultural families used in the analysis of this study are not clear on the meaning classification for each of the questions. Second, since this study only validates the as-sociation among the variables, it can be pointed out that the limitations of the failure to verify the causal relationship between them.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Analysis Results

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
