Analysis of the Perception of Leaders and Participants for the VALUE Creation of Sports for All in Urban Society
- International Journal of Human & Disaster
- vol.5 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.09
- 41 - 48 (8 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a policy plan for the activation of life sports through the survey of participants and leaders about Sports for All in urban society. Method: The subjects of the study were sampled by 309 participants and 151 leaders in 25 districts of Seoul, Korea, and the sampling method was based on the convenience sampling and judgmental sampling. For this, conducted frequency analysis and technical analysis on Sports for All program, information and publicity provision, awareness of leaders, Sports for All facilities by dividing them into life sports participants and leaders followed by comparison and evaluation. And the independent-sample t-test was performed to examine the awareness difference between the two groups. Results: First, as for an activation plan for Sports for All program, it is necessary to secure diversity according to sport events, to construct a program according to local characteristics, and to gradually improve physical and mental factors. Second, as for an activation plan for information and public relations of Sports for All, it is necessary to expand the participation of potential sports enthusiasts by establishing/operating a life sports information support system, providing personalized information, and diversifying public relations media. Third, as for an activation plan for activation of Sports for All leaders, this suggested the establishment of institutions for the training of high quality leaders, the institutionalization of free discussion time, the investment of continuous leader education, and the efforts to improve the treatment of diverse leaders. Fourth, as for an activation plan for activation of Sports for All facilities, this suggested the expansion of auxiliary facilities and major facilities, the improvement of accessibility to Sports for All facilities, and the development of developed country type life sports. Conclusion: These results are expected to be provided as useful data for increasing the quality of Sports for All and enhancing participation rate. Furthermore, it is expected that they will be the important data for establishing a policy plan to improve citizen s health and quality of life in urban industrial society.
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. References
6. Appendix