최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

CHINESE HEALTH QIGONG’s Healing Principle and Kinematic Discourse

DOI : 10.22471/martialarts.2020.5.2.31
  • 21

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the composition principle of China Health Qigong and the kinematic effect of China Health Qigong. For this purpose, this study conducted a literature survey on Health Qigong published by Health Qigong Management Center of General Administration of Sport of China and examined the kinematic effect by confirming domestic research trends related to Health Qigong Method: The principles of Health Qigong were confirmed through an interpretation of the publication of the Chinese Health Qigong published by the China Olympic Committee, and a literature survey on the Health Qigong published by the Korea Physical Education Bureau. In addition, in order to investigate the clinical application of the health Qigong exercise, the procedure of confirming the research studied in Korea through the triangulation of three specialists in the field of kinetic studies was carried out. Results: Chinese Health Qigong is the part of Chinese medicine and takes the form of an exercise system that harmonizes body and mind through the control of Qi. Therefore, the principle of the Health Qigong is on a basis of Yin-yang and the five elements theory of chines medicine, and the meridian so called oriental physiology, and is based on the control and preservation of three elements of body, mind and breath, which is the most important principle and emphasizes the three control methods of body control, mind control and breath control as the ultimate practice method. From the perspective of kinematics, in terms of the clinical application part of Health Qigong s exercise effect, physiological effect, psychotherapeutic effect and rehabilitative medical effect were found to be effective through previous studies. Especially, Health Qigong was found to be suitable for elderly exercise as a slow exercise and it could be a new health exercise alternative in the super aging society. Conclusion: This study, Results of precisely examining the previous studies on Health Qigong showed that the healing principle of Health Qigong could be examined, and that there is a positive kinematic effect.

1. Introduction

2. Research Methods

3. Characteristics of Chinese Qigong

4. Health Qigong s Healing Principle

5. Kinematic Discourse of Health Qigong

6. Conclusion and Suggestion

7. References

8. Appendix
