최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

<때문에>의 비문법적 사용에 대한 연구

A study on the Ungrammatical Aspects of the Bound Noun Phrase 〈ttaemune (때문에)

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2020.28.3.08
  • 194

This study is about the ungramamtical use of 〈ttaemune (때문에)〉. Because 〈ttaemun (때문)〉 is a bound noun, a noun modifier is essential before it. So 〈ttaemune〉 also needs a modifier before it. But on the actual language usage, 〈ttaemune〉 is often used without modifiers. This phenomenon appears to be mainly limited to cases where 〈ttaemune〉 is used between sentences. That is, in this case, 〈ttaemune〉 is used as the conjunction like 〈geulaeseo (그래서)〉. Previous research has treated this ungrammatical aspect of 〈ttaemune〉 as a representative example of the degrammaticalization phenomenon. In other words, it has been understood that because the bound noun 〈ttaemun〉 has gained independency, 〈ttaemune〉 is used without modifiers before it. However, it is difficult to accept degrammaticalization discussions positively in the following respects: this phenomenon is not so common as to be recognized as a particular grammatical phenomenon, and if this is due to the independence of 〈ttaemun〉, this should also occur in other cases where 〈ttaemun〉 is combined, but this is not the case. So, I think it is right to treat them as objects that need to be corrected rather than treated within language norms.

1. 머리말

2. 연구 대상과 방법

3. <때문에>의 사용 양상

4. <때문에>의 비문법적 사용의 해석과 처리

5. 결론

