최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

사회언어학적 접근으로 본 언어 교육 연구

The Trends of Language Education Studies from a Sociolinguistic Perspective

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2020.28.3.07
  • 572

This paper s main purpose is to review research articles on language education with sociolinguistic approach, which have been published in The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea since 1993. It synthesizes the current trends of language education research with the approach that paves the way for future academic sociolinguistic accomplishments. The journal s research studies of language education have mostly focused on Korean and English education along with a handful of other languages. Approximately 150 research studies are categorized and reviewed with emphasis on themes, goals, and their pedagogical implications. As this review is primarily of the articles published in The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, the conclusion suggests that a number of scholars have consistently and persistently conducted meaningful research on language education over the past several decades with a variety of research questions, yielding significant academic achievements. This paper is limited in that it does not represent the whole of research trends of language education studies with sociolinguistic approaches in Korea. However, this synthetical review does provide a general perspective of the overall flow of language education studies from a sociolinguistic perspective.

1. 머리말

2. 언어 교육 연구에서의 사회언어학적 접근 개괄

3. 주요 연구 성과

4. 맺음말

