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KCI등재 학술저널

新羅·伽耶 墳墓의 祭儀遺構와 遺物에 관한 硏究

A Study on the ritual remains and artifacts at tombs of Shilla and Kaya

  • 107

이 글은 5∼6세기대 영남지방 분묘의 제의관련 자료를 8개의 유형으로 나누고, 이들 각 유형의 지역별·묘제별 점유 빈도를 통해 신라·가야의 분묘제의를 분석할 것이다. 신라와 가야의 제의는 제의 내용에서 상호간에 확연히 다른 양상으로 확인되는 유형도 있고, 단지 점유 빈도의 차이 정도로 확인되는 유형도 있다. 제의의 내용은 시간적·공간적으로 일정한 범위를 형성하고 있으므로 집단간의 정치적 성향과 일정부분 관련이 있음을 알 수 있다. 특히 신라의 제의는 지배영역의 확장과 연동되어 확산되었음이 분명하다. 분묘 제의물의 확인 위치는 시간이 지남에 따라 매장공간에 인접한 위치에서 점차 분묘의 외곽으로 벗어나는 경향을 띤다. 또한 6세기 이후 신라·가야의 분묘제의는 추가장을 전제로 하는 횡구식·횡혈식 석실분의 도입과 내세관을 지닌 불교사상의 유입으로 변화한다. 이와 같은 묘제와 사상의 변화는 簿葬의 관념 등에서도 드러나듯이 현실생활이 중시되는 사회적 분위기에 따른 것이라고 판단된다.

Until now, A study on tomb was limited to the annals through the structure of tombs of the analysis of artifacts. But the study of the ritual of tombs is a important part, because the tomb is based on the thought of after-death, namely the world of consciousness. In the thesis, I define all artifact and remain, which bear the marks of the ritual outside the burial space, called “the object for the ritual” And I make these things the object of analysis for these thesis. Some conclusions are as follows ; The first, from the analysis of an aspect of the ritual by tomb-system, I make certain that ritual of the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound is mutual connecting process with those of the outer coffin tomb. The second, the type of the ritual by region reflects some political character of each group, that is, the Shilla like ritual at Pusan region and the mixed aspect of Shilla and Kaya at Changryong region. The third, in the ritual of Shilla region, the structure of the ritual of tombs is the rounded stone and the ritual objects are pottery with ironware such as horse equipment, knife, arrowhead, socketed spearhead and axe etc. The forth, in the beginning of 6th century, the ritual of Shilla began to a sphere of distribution spread and in this period, Shilla govern directly the local might. The fifth, in the ritual of Kaya, the structure which was made of stones in planelike is commonly utilized. Pottery occupies mostly in the ritual object but saw Knife in the ironware is only utilized. The sixth, in the process of the exchange an wooden outer coffin tomb into a vertical digging style stone lined tomb, an wooden chamber tomb with stone mound, horizontal digging style and horizontal entrance style stone chamber tomb, a kind of the ritual things is also changed. The seventh, in 5th to 6th centuries, the position of the ritual object moved additional-and poor burial based on the introduction of a horizontal digging-and horizontal entrance style stone chamber tomb and an inflow of Buddhistic thought. And a social atmosphere, which is accounted much of actual life, have an important effect.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 祭義資料의 類型分類

Ⅲ. 祭義物의 類型別·墓制別·地域別 分析

Ⅳ. 新羅·加耶 墳墓祭義 特徵

Ⅴ. 맺음말
