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KCI등재 학술저널

尙州地域 5世紀 古墳의 樣相과 地域政治體의 動向

Development of tombs from 5th century in Sang-ju and trend of regional politics

  • 118

5세기대는 신라와 백제, 고구려가 백두대간을 경계로 치열한 각축을 전개하던 시기이다. 신라가 상주를 비롯한 영남서북부지역의 요충지를 점령하게 됨으로써 육상교통로를 확보하고 삼국통일의 전기를 마련하게 되었다. 이 글은 상주지역 5세기 고분의 전개 양상을 통해 영남 서북부지역 정치체의 동향을 확인하고자 하는 목적으로 작성하였다. 신라세력이 상주지역에 진출한 것은 4세기 중엽경이며, 5세기대에 들어오면서 상주분지를 확보하고 금강수계권으로 진출을 모색하였다. 상주지역의 고분은 소지역 단위로 그 문화상에서 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내고 있다. 즉 함창분지의 신흥리고분에서는 장방형의 석곽묘와 고배를 배제한 토광묘 이래의 유물부장이 지속되지만, 상주분지 고분군에서는 세장방형의 횡구식석곽묘와 고배를 중심으로 하는 영남 북부지역 양식토기가 부장된다. 이는 상주지역 고분이 토광묘 이후 서로 다르게 전개된 결과이며, 신라 중앙으로부터 지배방식의 차이에서 기인한 결과로 파악하였다. 한편, 상주분지의 고분과 청원 미천리지역 고분의 유사성에 근거하여 신라의 진출에 따른 문화의 확산으로 이해하였고, 5세기 후반에는 신라세력이 금강수계권으로 진출하였음을 살펴보았다.

5th century is the period when Shinla. Paekje and Goguryo were harshly competing and fighting around the border of Paekdoo. As taking essential territories from Sang-ju to western and northern regions in Youngnam, Shinla took charge of the land traffic route, laying stepping shtones for unification of the three countries. It was in the middle of the 4th century when Shinla forces made their way to Sang-ju, and as the 5th century came., it took possession of Sang-ju Basin as well as finding a way to the Kumkang water system. Sang-gu region shows a distinct line on cultures of tombs between Hamchang and Sang-ju Basin. That is, in Shinheungri tomb in Hamchang Basin artifacts since Pit-tomb have been found except for rectangular rectangular stone lined tombs and Gobe, while tombs in Sang-ju Basin have modes earthenware of northern Youngnam region centered on Gobe and horizontal entrance stone lined tomb of longer rectangular. It is believed that the difference between tomb-building-method and artifacts excavated from them resulted from the governing discrepancies of Shinla s government. Sungdongri, Byungsungdong, and O daedong tombs in Sang-ju Basin empoly horizontal entrance stone lined tomb of longer rectangular as a primary tomb, develops the modes earthenware in northem Youngnam, and produces the same line of culture as Ahndongr·Yaecheon·Uisung·and Sunsan, However, the 5th century s earthenware in the Shingheungri tombs in Hamchang Basin shows a strong characteristic of small regions in west and north of Youngnam. It demonstrates that political system in Hamchang Basin maintained long-lasting power of its own. Into the late 5th century that began to construct big scale tombs along the ridgeline of Shinheungri tombs, earthenware of the regional pattern and the sorts based on Gobe, pivoted on big scale tombs, began to be buried, and each of these shows very much of Gyungjoo. From this time on. It seems like that Hangchang Basin was taken under the indirect control of Shinla, setting out into the center of west and north of Youngnam. In the meantime, it has been understood as the distribution of culture resulted from Shinla s advancement, based on similarities of tombs in Sang-ju and the tombs in Meechunri, Chungwon. In the late 5th century. How Shinla went all the way to Kumkang water system was examined.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 상주지역 고분의 분포 및 조사현황

Ⅲ. 상주지역 고분의 형식분류와 변천

Ⅳ. 상주지역 5세기 고분의 양상과 地域政治體의 動向

Ⅴ. 맺음말
