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KCI등재 학술저널

嶺南地方의 馬胄에 대하여

The study on horsehelmet in Yeongnam province - On the horsehelmet that were excavated in Gimhae Daesungdong Ancient Tomb

  • 98

本稿는 먼저 金海 大成洞 1호 목곽묘와 57호 목곽묘에서 출토한 馬胄를 살펴보았다. 다음으로는 近來 慶州 舍羅里와 咸安 道項里 등 嶺南地方에서 馬胄의 출토량이 증가함에 따라 이 지방에서 출토한 馬胄 16점에 대하여 검토하였다. 검토결과, 馬胄는 크게 얼굴덮개부 上板의 分割有無와 챙부의 형태, 眼孔의 위치 등과 같은 屬性을 가지고 A·B류의 두 가지 형식으로 분류가 가능하며, 大成洞出土 馬胄는 A류에 해당된다.嶺南地方의 馬胄는 16점가운데 A·B류가 각각 8점씩으로 분류되며, A류가 B류보다 먼저 등장하는 것으로 보인다. 初現時期는 A류가 5세기 1/4분기, B류가 5세기 2/4분기로서, A류에서 B류로 변화하는 것으로 판단된다. 이러한 嶺南地方 馬胄의 변화는 실물자료는 없으나 高句麗 壁畵古墳에 묘사된 馬胄를 분석해 본 결과 高句麗 馬胄의 변화와 동일한 것으로 추정된다. 따라서 嶺南地方 馬胄의 系譜도 高句麗로부터 구할 수 있으며, 高句麗 馬胄 영향의 직접적인 계기가 된 것은 400년 高句麗軍의 南征에 의한 것이다. 또한 이러한 馬胄 제작기술의 바탕에는 在地의 4세기대의 板甲 제작기술이 깔려져 있었을 것으로 추정된다. 마지막으로는 金官加耶를 비롯한 加耶圈域에서의 重裝騎馬戰術로의 변화는 4세기대가 아닌 5세기이후로 보인다. 5세기대의 이러한 馬胄와 馬甲의 등장이 곧 진정한 의미의 重裝騎馬戰術로의 변화인 것이다.

To begin with, have reported of the horsehelmet that were excavated in the first tomb of the wooden coffin and the fifty seventh tomb of the wooden coffin in Gimhae Daesungdong. We studied the sixteen horsehelmets that were excavated in Gyeongju Sarari and Haman Dohangri. Such the horsehelmet are increased in recent days in the Yeongnam province. In consequence, we could classify the two forms by the attribute that the horsehelmets had the presence of division in the upper half of a cover for the face, the form of the hiding the back of the head and the position of the eyehole. The horsehelmets in the Yeongnam province were appeared the A style earlier than the B style. At the first period, the style was indicated in a fourth ramification of the 5th century and the B style was indicated in two fourths ramification of the 5th century. we have recognized that the A style was changed the B style. We have no the substantial materials such the change of horsehelmet in Yeongnam province. We have recognized that the change of horsehelmets in the Yeongnam province was identical with the ones of Koguryo as the result of the analysis into the mural paintings of the ancient tomb of Koguryo. We could find the genealogy of the horsehelmet in the Yeongnam province from Koguryo. What the Koguryo army was sent an expedition to the South in 400 year had an influence on the horsehelmet in Yeognam province. We also could assume that the making technique of the iron armor in 4th century had an influence on the horsehelmet. Finally, we supposed that the tactics of heavily equipped horseback riding was changed not in the 4th century but in the 5th century. we analyzed that the appearance of the horsehelmet and the horsearmor in the 5th century was the meaningful change of the tactics of heavily equipped horseback riding.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 金海 大成洞古墳의 馬胄

Ⅲ. 領南地方 馬胄의 形式分類

Ⅳ. 領南地方 馬胄의 登場과 展開

Ⅴ. 맺음말
