최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

檢丹里式土器의 時空間的 位置와 性格에 대한 一考察

The Study of the location and character of the Geomdan-ri type Pottery

  • 156

구연단 아래에 눌러새긴 낟알문이 시문된 심발형토기를 검단리식토기로 설정하였다. 검단리식토기는 세장방형, 대형장방형주거지의 소멸, 무경식석촉의 소멸과 경부가 육각형인 Ⅳ류 석촉의 등장과 함께 나타나고 있어 동남해안지역 무문토기시대 중기의 표지적인 유물이라고 할 수 있다. 그리고 태백산맥을 경계로 송국리식토기 분포권과 뚜렷이 구분되는 지역성이 강한 토기이다.검단리식토기 분포권은 주거지, 분묘, 농경 등 사회전반에 걸쳐서 타지역과는 다른 독특한 문화가 전개된다. 이러한 문화적인 차이는 넓은 충적평야가 발달하지 못한 지형적인 원인으로 추정된다. 주거지는 방형, 장방형의 평면형태에 한 개의 무시설식노지, 벽주구, 돌출구가 설치되었다. 분묘는 지상식 지석묘, 소형 석관묘가 채택되었다. 농경은 좁은 곡부를 이용한 계단식 형태의 논이 조성되었다.

Deep bowl-shaped pottery with decorative motifs just below the rim such as continuous short, incised slanted lines has been established as ‘Geomdan-ri Style’ ceramics. In this paper I investigate deep bowl-shaped vessels, the representative pottery of the Mumun Pottery Period (c. 1500/1000 to 300 B.C.). Particularly, I look closely at the regional and temporal distribution of this pottery. I also investigate the cultural characteristics of the area in which this pottery is distributed. At the beginning of the Middle Mumun, it seems that Garak-dong type pottery was replaced by vessels that were made with a motif characterized by thick, continuously incised marks. This kind of pottery is distributed in the region east of the Taebaek Mountains in the coastal and interior areas between Pohang in the north all the way to Gimhae in the south. Interestingly, ‘Geomdan-ri Style’ pottery and ‘Songgung-ri type’ pottery are distributed in clearly different regions, but they coexist in the area between Yangsan and Gimhae. There are marked regional differences between the areas where Geomdan-ri and Songgung-ri pottery are distributed. For example, pit-houses, mortuary features, and agricultural features of each region are clearly distinct. In the area in which Geomdan-ri type pottery is distributed is characterized by pit-houses with square and rectangular plans with four and six post-moulds. Such pit-houses also have interior features such as a single hearth and a wall-trench system that connect to the outside of the buildings. The mortuary features employed in the area consist of small stone-cist burials and megalithic burials with above-ground interment areas. Narrow, stepped wet-field features are among the most notable agricultural features found in the region.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 유적의 검토

Ⅲ. 검단리식토기의 발생과 전개

Ⅳ. 검단리식토기문화의 분포권과 특징

Ⅴ. 맺음말
