농경형태에 접근할 수 있는 자료라는 점에서 농구에 대한 연구는 일찍부터 이루어졌다. 그러나 지금까지의 농구 연구는 선사시대의 석제농구와 고대의 철제농구로 구분되어 진행되었기 때문에 통시적인 검토가 다소 미흡한 실정이었다. 이러한 문제 인식을 바탕으로 본고에서는 선사ㆍ고대 농구의 통시적 검토를 시도하였다. 선사ㆍ고대의 농구는 재질에 따라 패제와 골제, 목제, 석제, 철제 등으로 구분된다. 패제농구로는 반월형패도, 골제농구로는 굴지구, 석제농구로는 석제굴지구와 석도, 목제농구로는 목제괭이와 목제따비, 목제삽, 고무래, 철제농구로는 철제괭이와 철제따비, 쇠삽날, 쇠스랑, 살포, 철서, 호미, 철도자, 철겸 등이 있다. 이러한 개개 농구의 용도와 변화상을 파악한 다음, 농구 조합의 변화상을 4개의 단계로 설정하였다. 농구Ⅰ기는 석제기경구가 사용되었던 단계이다. 농구Ⅱ기는 목제기경구가 주체였던 단계이며 석도라는 정형화된 수확구가 보편화되었다. 농구Ⅲ기는 농구의 철제화가 진행되어 철제기경구가 사용되었다. 또한 전용철제농구가 출현하며 철겸을 이용한 수확이 이루어졌 던 단계이다. 농구Ⅳ기는 축력을 이용하는 쟁기가 도입되었으며 단병도구인 호미가 출현하였던 단계이다. 이러한 농구조합의 변화를 통해 유추할 수 있는 생산력의 변화를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 농구Ⅰ기에 농경이 시작된 이후, 농구Ⅱ기가 되면 농경의 비중이 높아졌는데, 이 단계에는 경작지의 양상이 변화하였고 농업노동의 집약화도 점차 진행되었다. 농구Ⅲ기에는 가경지의 확대가 이루어지면서 농업생산력이 증대되었다. 또한 품종개량이 어느 정도 진행되었고 관개작업과 제초작업의 비중이 높아지면서 토지당 생산량이 증대되기 시작하였다. 농구Ⅳ기에는 축력이 도입되면서 노동생산성이 향상되었고 정교한 제초작업이 도입되면서 토지당 생산량이 보다 증대되었던 것으로 추정된다.
There have been many previous researches on farming tools in terms that one could be accessible to various agricultural forms through them. However, the existing researches on them have been divided into stone farming tools from prehistoric period and those made of iron from ancient period; for this reason, diachronic investigations on them have been more or less insufficient. Based on this problem, this study attempted to conduct a diachronic study on prehistoric farming tools. Farming tools could be classified into those made of shells, bones, wood, stone and iron according to material. Among them, the farming tools made of shells and bones have not been investigated in detail due to the lack of references. The stone farming tools included stone hoes and stone knives, the wooden farming tools included wooden hoes and wooden weeder-plows, wooden shovels and rakes, while iron farming tools included iron hoes and iron weeder-plows, iron shovel blades, forked rakes, spades for irritation, iron hoes, weeding hoes, iron knives and iron tongs. This study figured out the usage and transformation of such individual farming tools and established the changes in their combination in 4 stages. The 1st stage of farming tools indicated the period when stone plowing tools were used. In the 2nd stage, wooden plowing tools were mainly used and the formalized harvest tools named stone knives was commonly used. The 3rd stage signified the farming tools made of iron; therefore, iron plowing tools were utilized. And the tools exclusively used for farming appeared and the harvest using iron tongs was done. In the 4th stage, a plow using domestic animals’ labor was introduced and a weeding hoe as a short-weapon tool appeared, too. The study looked closely into the changes in agricultural productivity deduced from the transformation of the combination of said farming tools and the following results were obtained. The farming began to be practiced in the 1st stage of farming tools. Then, as the 2nd stage came, the emphasis on farming has become higher when the aspects of cultivated land changed and the intensive arrangement of agricultural labor was gradually progressed. In the 3rd stage of farming tools, they were transformed into iron ones and arable land was subsequently expanded, resulting in the increase in agricultural productivity. And plant breeding was progressed to some extent and the degree of irrigation and weeding-out work improved, which in turn enhanced the grain production per land. In the 4th stage of farming tools, it has been estimated that the labor using domestic animals was introduced so that labor productivity was improved and the grain production per land improved further by the introduction of more sophisticated weeding-out work.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 패제농구와 골제농구, 목제농구
Ⅲ. 석제농구
Ⅳ. 철제농구
Ⅴ. 농구 조합과 생산력의 변화
Ⅵ. 맺음말