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KCI등재 학술저널

경산 임당유적 취락연구

A Study of Settlement On Kyungsan Imdang Site - Focused on F-District

  • 70

경산 임당유적은 삼한시대 이후부터 다양한 유적의 모습이 연속되어 왔다. 특히 3세기경부터삼국시대까지는 據點聚落으로서 주변지역에 비해 독보적인 유적의 규모를 나타낸다. 이 시기의임당유적 F지구는 Ⅰ~Ⅲ期로 나눌 수 있는 특징적인 모습이 나타나는데, 각 단계는 영남지방의주요한 문화변동에 반응한 변화가 나타난다. Ⅰ기는 周溝附建物址라는 地上式建物群의 시기이며, 창고군을 보유한 취락이 형성되었다. 이시기의 인접한 I지구에는 입지와 주거규모, 옥내시설 등의 차이로 보아 소속감-동질성이 다른집단이 공존하고 있었다. Ⅱ기는‘土壙遺構’라고 보고된 食料貯藏用의 貯藏穴群이 조성되며 임당토성이 축조된 시기이다. F지구의 저장혈군으로 보아 F지구가 위치하는 구릉 위에는 창고군을 관리하는 선별된 집단-수장층-이 거주한다고 보았다. 이 무렵의 I지구에는 방형주거지군을 대표로 하는 취락이 형성되는 등의 변화가 발생하였다. Ⅲ기는 토성 내부의 F지구가 실질적으로 공백지대를 나타내지만, 토성 바깥의 평탄지에는 高床倉庫群이 축조되었다. 이 시기의 영남지방에는 대형의 고총고분이 발생하고, 신라가 세력을확장하여 영남지방 전체를 지배해 가는 시기이다. 따라서 임당사회는 영남지방의 사회적 再編과관련하여, 주거역과 저장역이 유적 주변의 넓은 장소에서 새롭게 조직 되었을 가능성이 높다고보았다. 이상과 같이 영남지방의 큰 문화적 변화에 반응하여, 임당유적 F지구의 遺構群이 一變한다는것은 임당유적이 영남지방의 문화를 형성하는 주요한 據點聚落 중 하나이기 때문이고, 林堂人들이 그 문화의 주체였음을 나타낸다.

After Samhan period(B.C.3c~A.D.3c.), Kyungsan Imdang had changed consecutively in many types of ruins. Particularly, it had been a far bigger base settlement than surroundings between B.C.3rd century and Samguk period(A.D.4c~A.D.668). Imdang F-District is divided into three steps in chronological mean from B.C.3rd century to the middle of 7th century. Each step ref lects the important cultural changes in Youngnam province that they are changed. The first step is the period of ground building, a building site with ditch, that belongs to the late Wajil-pottery period(B.C. mid 1c~A.D.280) of Youngnam. This settlement has a communal storage and individually owned storage attached to the dwellings. Imdang I-District was formed in same time with F-District. However, two settlements differ in their members with a different sense of belonging as their appearance of living environment is different. Thus the ruin of Imdang was in coexistence with more than 2 groups like the residents of I-District and that of F-District. The second step is the beginning of pit storage and the time that Imdang earthenramparts was built. It belongs to the old type Dojil-pottery period(same with Samguk Period) in Youngnam. As with the case of Japan and China, pit storage in F-District are seen as the facilities to store food. The appearance of Dojil-pottery culture brings strained relations between many groups within the areas of Youngnam and it causes the occurrence of large scale underground storages and earthen ramparts when the a raised floor building for storage purpose already exists. The third step actually represents the empty space in F-District within earthen ramparts, but high table buildings-storages- were built on the flatland outside of earthen ramparts. In Youngnam province including the Imdang, a tomb with high mound was built in this period. Also, It is the time that Silla expanded its influence,then ruled entire Youngnam and unified The Three Kingdoms. Regard this step as the empty period because it is connected with reorganization of Imdang and Youngnam. High possibility of the residences and storage facilities were intentionally moved out from earthen ramparts including F-District to flatland where the surrounded area of the site. Hence, the sites of Imdang F-District went through changes in accordance with big cultural changes of Youngnam because Imdang was one of the most important bases of Youngnam, and the residents of Imdang were the main stream of the Youngnam culture. Therefore, the changes of ruins in Imdang F-District are adaptation and advance from Samhan society to Samguk society, and changes are intentional products in strategic mean by residents who consist the community.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 연구현황과 목적

Ⅲ. 임당유적과 F · I 지구 취락

Ⅳ. F지구의 유구검토와 성격

Ⅴ. 임당유적의 변화상과 의의

Ⅵ. 맺음말
