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KCI등재 학술저널

嶺南地域原三國期鐵劍ㆍ環頭刀의 地域別展開課程

Astudy on Regional Development Process of Iron Sword and Swords with a Ring Pommel in the Proto-Three Kingdoms Period in Yeong-Nam area

  • 197

원삼국기 철검과 환두도는 양자를 각각 구분하여 분석하는 경우가 대부분이다. 그러나 철검은 원삼국 후기에 이르면 환두도로 대체되는 양상을 보이기 때문에 각각을 분리하여 해석하기보다는 철검의 등장과 소멸, 환두도의 확산을 같이 분석할 필요가 있다고 생각되어, 이러한 측면에서 영남지역의 철검ㆍ환두도의 전개과정을 살펴보았다. 영남지역 철검ㆍ환두도의 전개는 유구별 동반 관계를 기준으로 크게 4단계로 나누고, 이를 세분하면 총 7기로 구분할 수 있다. 가ㆍ나단계는 철검이 부장되기 시작하여 영남지역 전역으로 확산되는 단계로 전개과정에서 동일한 모습을 보이지만, 대구ㆍ경산에서 경주로 제작 및 유통의 중심이 변화함을 확인 할 수 있다. 다단계를 획기로 전개과정에서 지역차가 뚜렷하게 확인된다. 먼저 다-1기에 경주와 동해안지역은 철검의 형식변화가 나타나 ⅠAㆍⅠBㆍⅡㆍⅢ식의 부장이 확인되지만, 낙동강하류역은 ⅠA식만이 복수로 부장된다. 그리고 다-2단계는 일부 지역에서 환두도가 나타나며, 낙동강하류역은 이 시기부터 철검의 형식변화가 확인된다. 라단계는 철검에서 환두도로 교체가 이루어지는 시기로, 라-1단계에 경주 및 동해안지역은 철검이 소멸하는양상을 보이지만, 낙동강하류역은 ⅠAㆍⅡㆍⅢ식 철검과 환두도가 부장되며, 환두도는 대구ㆍ경산지역까지확산된다. 이후 라-2단계에는 영남지역에서 철검의 확인이 어렵고 환두도의 부장량이 증가하는 등 劍에서 刀로의 전환이 이루어진다. 이처럼 철검ㆍ환두도에서 확인되는 지역별 전개양상의 차이는 철촉, 철모, 철부, 후기와질토기 등 기존에이루어진 원삼국기의 지역성 연구와도 비교할 수 있는 새로운 정보를 제공할 것으로 생각된다.

The Iron sword and The Sword with a Ring Pommel in the era of Proto-Three Kingdoms are usually analyzed separately, but these two kinds of swords can be said to have appeared and perished in the close relationship because there was the aspect that the Iron Sword was replaced by the Sword with a Ring Pommel in the latter part of Proto-Three Kingdom era. Therefore, it is thought to be necessary that we analyze both the appearance and perishment of the Iron Sword and the spread of the Sword with a Ring Pommel in the same context rather than analyze them separately. Accordingly, in this article, the developing process of Iron Sword and Sword with a Ring Pommel was studied on the basis of this fact. The developing process of this sword and this blade in the area of Yeongnam is divided into 4 steps according to the relation between burial-characteristics and the artifacts buried with other accessories,again which is subdivided into 7 periods. The I-1 period is confirmed as an non-stereotyped condition of burial pattern in the limited area of Daegu, while from I-2 period the burial pattern started to be stereotyped with the Iron sword found only at the bottom of wooden coffin. The period IIwas the time having the characteristic of multi-burial-accessories along with the Iron sword, which has been confirmed in some parts such as Gyoungju and Ulsan. The periods of I and II show an identical aspect of the developing process of the Iron sword in the whole area of Yeongnam, while, from the period III, an outstanding difference in the process by area can be confirmed. The Iron sword with that type in IA, IB, II and IIII in the middle of AD 2 is found in the East Coast including Gyoungju, but only IA was still buried with various burial accessories in the lower reaches of Nakdong River, and only from the latter part of AD 2 did various kinds of multi-burial-accessories with iron swords start. On the basis of these local differences, the period III is divided into two, and the period III-2 starts to show the appearance of the Sword with a Ring Pommel in some historic sites. It is confirmed that in the period of IV-1 the iron sword started perishing in the East Sea area, and only some parts are found to have had long swords. At that time, Sword with a Ring Pommel was spreading into the areas of Daegu and Gyoungsan, while in the lower reaches of Nakdong River there was still all kinds of burials of accessories along with the iron sword. Afterwards, in the period of IV-2, the iron sword perished in the area of Yeongnam with the increase of the burial of Sword with a Ring Pommel, which means the transition from Sword to Blade. Like this, the difference of developing aspect by area confirmed regarding the iron sword and Sword with a Ring Pommel is thought to provide the new information with which we can compare the characteristics of those regions in the era of Proto-Three Kingdoms with iron arrowheads, iron spears, iron axe and the late Wazil Pottery.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 영남지역 출토 원삼국기 철검ㆍ환두도 자료의 검토

Ⅲ. 철검ㆍ환두도의 형식분류와 변천

Ⅳ. 영남지역 철검ㆍ환두도의 전개와 그 의미

Ⅴ. 맺음말
