This study aims to identify kinship of Nuek-do site that is representative site of Three Hans period. Nuek-do which locates in the south coast of Korea peninsula is very small island, but it is very important site to confirm exchange between Three kingdoms (korea, japan, china) during Three Hans period. This site is cemetery that was excaveted only human skeletal remains of three hans period. Accordingly, a phase of prehistory kinship of Korea peninsula can confirm using human skeletal remains. This study analyzed formation process of cemetery using human remains and archeological information and estimated kinship by Q-mode correlation coefficients based on human tooth measurements. The results identified to be buried without distinction of sex. Instead superiority of female individuals was marked by a few male individuals. Also relationship of position between child grave and adult grave show that child grave was closely formed without distinction of sex. On the basis of this fact, result of verify using tooth measurements reveal individual that have more than 0.5 correlation value in overall cemetery. And each similarities among male, female, all individuals had high score. The results of this study estimate what Neuk-do site isn’t paternal or maternal line but ambilocal, namely based on kinship in the overall site.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 늑도 분묘군의 고고학적 양상
Ⅲ. 늑도 분묘군 출토 고인골에 대한 치관계측치를 이용한 혈연관계 추정
Ⅳ. 늑도 분묘군의 친족관계
Ⅴ. 맺음말