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KCI등재 학술저널

慶州地域靑銅器時代聚落의 編年과 變遷樣相

Bronze Age Settlement in Hyeongsan River Basin

  • 54

본고에서는 경주지역의 형산강유역에 입지한 청동기시대 주거구조 및 출토유물에 대한 분석을 통해 취락의 편년작업을 시행하고, 취락의 변천양상을 살펴보았다. 형산강유역은 조기~전기전엽에는 대형ㆍ방형 주거에 석상위석식 노와 돌대문토기가 출토되고, 전기중엽에는 대형의세장방형ㆍ장방형 주거에 무시설식 노, 이중구연복합문이 출토되고, 전기후엽에는 중형 장방형ㆍ방형 주거, 복합문에서 이중구연이 소멸되고, 구순각목공열단사선, 공열단사선과 공열이 출토된다. 중형ㆍ방형의 울산식 주거가 정형화되는 중기에도 공열은 여전히 지속되고, 공열과 단사선(낟알문)의 형태로 조합된다. 중기후반에는 소형ㆍ방형주거지에 공열이 거의 소멸되면서 낟알문도 횡선문으로 변화하고, 무문토기화 되어가는 양상을 보여주고 있다. 형산강유역 청동기시대 취락은 동일한 구릉과 충적지 내에서 시간차이를 두고 장기간 점유되는 양상을 보인다. 취락의 시기별 분포양상은 조기~전기전엽에는 하천 주변 충적지에서만 확인되나, 주거의 숫자는 적은 편이다. 전기중엽에는 대형 세장방형의 주거지 또는 대형의 장방형 주거가 능선상을 따라 일렬로 배치된다. 1~3기에는 대부분 주거만 확인되며, 소규모 세대공동체의 취락형태를 보인다. 4기에는 구릉과 충적대지에서 확인되며, 형산강유역 전역에 걸쳐 취락이 조성된다. 5~6기에는 울산식 주거가 중심이 되는 취락으로 구릉과 충적지에서 조성된다. 형산강유역 보다는 동천강유역과 해안지역에서 대규모 취락이 조성된다.

The study recorded the chronicles of the Bronze Age settlements and identified the development of change in the settlements with an analysis on settlement structure and excavated goods of the Bronze Age in the Hyeongsan River basin. From the initial Bronze Age to the beginning of the early Bronze Age, the stone-floor-stone-lined hearths and Doldaemun potteries (pottery with clay stripes) were excavated in the large square-shaped dwelling sites in the river basin. In the middle of the early Bronze Age, the no-equipment hearths were built in the large thin-rectangular and rectangular dwelling sites and impressed patterns with similar double mouth-rim elements were unearthed. At the end of the early Bronze Age, the double mouth-rim elements were dissipated from impressed patterns and the medium rectangular and square-shaped dwelling sites, and notched strip on rim, rim perforated horizontal bands of oblique, rim-perforated horizontal bands of oblique and rim-perforated articles were excavated. In the end of the middle Bronze Age, the rim-perforated goods almost disappeared from the small squareshaped dwelling sites, with the transformation of horizontal bands of oblique (grain pattern) into horizontal line pattern, showing the shift in trend towards the plain coarse pottery. The Bronze Age settlements in the Hyeongsan River basin demonstrate that the dwelling sites were occupied for a long term in the same hill and alluvial at an interval. The settlements were identified only in the nearby alluvial area of the river from the initial Bronze Age to the beginning of the early Bronze Age, with a small number of dwelling sites. In the third phase, most of the dwelling places were located in the hill except for the thin-rectangular dwelling sites in Hwangseong-dong. The 4th phase settlements were identified in the hill and alluvial areas, forming the settlements across the Hyeongsan River basin. In the 5th and 6th phase, the settlements were formed in the hills and alluvial areas focusing on Ulsan type dwelling site. Large scale settlements were created in the Dongcheon River basin (Munsan-ri settlement) and coastal areas (Eoil-ri settlement) in the same period.

Ⅰ. 序言

Ⅱ. 聚落樣相

Ⅲ. 聚落編年

Ⅳ. 聚落構造의 變遷

Ⅴ. 結語
