최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Finality of Arbitral Awards: The U.S. Practices

DOI : 10.16998/jas.2020.30.3.3
  • 2

With the advent of the Free Trade Agreement between Korea and the U.S. and an increase in trade volume between the two countries, the possibility of commercial disputes has escalated among international merchants. It has been well-known that arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution is an efficient way to resolve international commercial disputes. When arbitral awards are enforced in the judicial system, the court will inevitably have to be involved with the enforcement procedures. The court is a typical legal entity to confirm arbitral awards. Through a confirmation process, the winning party obtains the same legal status of final judgment rendered by the court. However, a winning party in arbitration will have to overcome a legal hurdle in the enforcement process of arbitral awards. This article aims to investigate how the courts control the arbitration practices and what the basic legal issues in the enforcement of arbitral awards are. The US Federal Arbitration Act is investigated, while relevant cases are reviewed and updated for legal analysis.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Finality of Arbitral Awards

Ⅲ. Judicial Intervention

Ⅳ. Legal Implications

