최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Construction of China Pilot Free Trade Zone and Search for a New Field of China-Korea Economic Cooperation

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.72.72.18
  • 18


China Pilot Free Trade Zone is a policy practice zone, and China has already established 18 pilot FTZs since the approval of Shanghai Pilot FTZ in Sept. 2013. Pilot FTZs have become high grounds for Chinese economic reform through optimization of business environment , facilitation of investment & trade , and policy innovation in various fields such as financial services and real economy. Construction of pilot FTZ has aggressively extended national strategies such as active service, construction of One Belt, One Road Initiative, cooperative development of Jingjinji Metropolitan region (Beijin-Tianjin-Hebei), integrated development of Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, and revitalization of northeast China, etc. as well as collaboration with surrounding nations. Recent entry of new stage of China-Korea relations has great potential of complementary cooperation. As a policy practice zone of Chinese economic reform, Pilot FTZs have arranged business environment facilitated with legislation and internationalization, regulation system suitable for international trade-investment rules, and open financial environment through system innovation & reform in various fields such as investment, trade, and finance, etc. This is giving a new motivation for higher level and broadened area of China-Korea economic relations.

1. 绪论

2. 中国自贸试验区建设的总体态势

3. 自贸试验区的制度创新

4. 中韩经贸合作现状

5. 中国自贸试验区建设与中韩经贸合作方向

6. 结论: 加快促进中韩经贸合作的政策建议
