최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Analysis on the Application of the Method of Singing and Reading in Combining the Numbered Musical Notation in Teaching Practice of Chinese Tones

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.72.72.9
  • 4


Chinese tones has always been one of the key and difficult points in teaching Chinese to speakers of other language, therefore, the method of Chinese tones has always been the hot topic and focus in the field of teaching Chinese to speakers of other language too. Scholars have put forward advice and suggestions based on their own teaching practice, some of these methods are helpful in teaching Chinese tones. However, most of them are still relatively abstract and difficult for non-native Chinese learners (hereinafter referred to as “learners”) to learn tones, it is difficult to reach a consensus in the end. In recent years, more and more attentions have been paid to how to enhance learners perception of tones. So, this paper will also start with strengthening the learners perception about tones, elaborate that there is a corresponding relationship between the 5 degrees of the Method of Five Degrees Notation and the Numbered Musical Notation 1 (do), 2(re), 3 (mi), 4 (fa), 5 (sol), and put forward a teaching method, which combines the numbered musical notation as the tones value of the four Chinese tones to sing and read(it is called The Method of Singing and Reading in Combining the Numbers Musical Notation in this paper). At the same time, combined with the author s teaching practice, this paper argues that the Method of Singing and Reading in Combining the Numbers Musical Notationand can make learners percept Chinese tones more directly, understand them more easily, and make their learning interest stronger, thus to get a good teaching result.

1. 引言

2. 五度標調法與數字簡譜的關係

3. 數字簡譜組合唱讀法應用於對外漢語聲調教學的實踐

4. 數字簡譜組合唱讀法的教學效果與優點

5. 結語
