The present study presents numerical modeling results of tides and tide-induced whirlpools in the Uldolmok strait using Delft3D FM, quasi-3D hydrodynamic simulation model to investigate mechanisms of turbulent whirlpools. Uldolmok strait, Korea is known for intense tidal currents reaching a measured maximum velocity of 6.0 m/s and associated whirlpools also in relation to complex topographic characteristics. By using multi-grid method (nesting method) to increase model stability, several grids ranging in size from wide grid covering southern sea in Korean peninsula to detailed grid including Uldolmok strait were allocated. The model was evaluated to be in good agreement against the field measurements including tidal elevations and tidal currents. Strong variations in the sizes of the whirlpools were found with the equivalent spherical diameters with the order of O(10) meters. The mean transfer velocity of the whirlpools detected following the tidal jet is approximately 2.2 m/s during ebb and 1.0 m/s during flood. Finally, the energy flux was computed and the dissipated energy across the narrowest channel is 0.24 MW during ebb and 0.95 MW during flood.
1. 서 론
2. 본 론
3. 결 론