최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

투수성 모래 해변에서의 쇄파의 쳐오름과 쳐내림 수치 모형 연구

Numerical Study of Swash Driven by a Breaking Wave Over a Permeable Sandy Beach

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2020.7.4.281
  • 116

We present a new methodology that is able to resolve wavefield and bottom boundary layer processes throughout the water column over a permeable beach. An Eulerian two-phase model for sediment phase, SedFoam, and a surface wave solver, InterFoam/olaFlow, are integrated in the OpenFOAM framework. The new model, called SedWaveFoam, is validated with two laboratory datasets for swash driven by a plunging solitary wave over a permeable and immobile sandy beach. Results demonstrate that surface elevation and depth-averaged velocity are well predicted during uprush. To better match the model results with the measured data during backwash, sand beds with different porosities are tested. It is suggested that significant vertical pore pressure gradient can be induced due to infiltration and exfiltration processes that affects stabilizing force of sand particles.

1. Introduction

2. Model Formulation

3. Results

4. Conclusion

