최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

걸프의 정권 안보와 이스라엘-UAE·바레인 관계 정상화

Regime Security in the Gulf and Normalization of Israel-UAE·Bahrain Relations

  • 52

There are various perspectives in explaining the Abraham Accords signed at the White House in September 2020. Not a few Western and domestic scholars are likely to analyze the peace mood between Israel and the Arab world on the basis of the reestablishment of a regional political order of building an anti-Iran alliance. But the study is based on the hypothesis that domestic political factors play a crucial role in the recent Gulf states’ surprise peace treaty with Israel. To that end, this study conducted three types of quantitative and qualitative analysis in order to find out the real background behind the normalization of Israel-UAE and Bahrain relations: measuring the number of news articles related with the Accords from Google News; measuring the frequency of nouns, proper nouns, and adjectives from selected eight sample research articles; and drawing co-occurrence of words of the collected data above. The above three analyses show that the Arab-Israeli detente has a more significant causal relationship with the independent variables of regional security rather than domestic regime security.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 역내 vs. 정권 안보

Ⅲ. 고조되는 내부적 도전

Ⅳ. 역내 vs. 정권 안보 그리고 데탕트

Ⅴ. 결론
