최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

이븐 타이미야가 순니파 이슬람 무장단체의 반(反)시아 이데올로기 형성에 미친 영향

The Influence of Ibn Taymiyya on the Formation of Anti-Shia Ideology in Sunni Militant Groups

  • 104

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the works and fatwas of Ibn Taymiyya(1263-1328) against Shi‘a sects such as Ithnā ‘ashariyya, Ismā‘iliyya, and Nuṣayriyya. This paper also seeks to examine how modern extreme sunni militant groups used his anti-Shia discourse to justify their violence or terrorism against Shia Muslims. It is well known that Ibn Taymiyya is one of the medieval Sunni scholars most widely consulted by modern-day Islamists to justify their sectarian violence. And he used very rigid concept of takfir to legally rule that Shiites are unbelievers and apostates. He also called them rāfiḍa, ghulāt, munāfiq, mushrik, mu‘āwin to emphasize the negative aspects of Shi ites. And it can be seen that his views on Shi‘ites are repeatedly used in al-Zarqāwī’s speech and Dabiq, the ISIS’s propaganda magazine.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 맘루크조와 일칸국의 이슬람 세계 패권 경쟁과 순니-시아 갈등

Ⅲ. 이븐 타미이야의 주요 작품과 그 속에 나타난 반(反)시아 표현

Ⅳ. 현대 순니 이슬람 무장단체의 반(反)시아 이데올로기에 미친 영향

Ⅴ. 결론
