최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

논 재배에 적합하고 맥주용 품질이 우수한 맥주보리 신품종 ‘다품’

A Malting Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Variety, ‘Dapum’, with Suitable Yield in Paddy Fields and Enhanced Brewing Quality

DOI : 10.9787/KJBS.2020.52.4.433
  • 20

We developed a malting barley, ‘Dapum’, with stable yield and enhanced quality for brewing. ‘Dapum’ was developed in 2015,by crossing Hopum, which has high brewing quality, and ‘GobDH96’, which has steady yield. The regional yield trials were conducted for‘Dapum’ as a breeding line ‘Iksan173’ in four different regions from 2013 to 2015. It has a type I growth habit, and the average headingand maturing date in paddy fields were April 20 and May 26, respectively, which were 1 day earlier than those of ‘Hopum’. The yield potentialof ‘Dapum’ was 411 kg/ha, which is approximately 10% higher than those of ‘Hopum’ under paddy field condition. ‘Dapum’ possesses therym5 gene and is resistant to barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV), although susceptible to powdery mildew and lodging tolerance. It issimilar to ‘Hopum’ in terms of enhanced brewing quality. ‘Dapum’ had a higher 1,000-grain weight (46.1 g) and assortment ratio (92%)than those of ‘Hopum,’ at 43.8 g and 90%, respectively. Analysis of grain quality for malting showed that ‘Dapum’ has high quality proteincontent, β-glucan content, and water sensitivity. Malt quality analysis revealed that ‘Dapum’ has 73.3% extraction rate, 3.7% soluble proteincontent, 32.6% Kolbach index, 244 WK (Windisch-Kolbach) diastatic power, and 80.2% friability, which were similar to those of ‘Hopum’. It would be suitable for cultivation in the zones of Korea that have a daily minimum temperature of -4℃ in January (Registration No. 7512).

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