최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국산 빵용 밀 품종의 사워도우빵 특성 평가

Characteristics of Sourdough Breads Baked Using Korean Bread Wheats

DOI : 10.9787/KJBS.2020.52.4.408
  • 69

This study was performed to evaluate the characteristics of wheat flour and sourdough bread quality of five Korean bread wheatcultivars, hard red winter wheat (HRW), and T55 (a French commercial wheat flour). Among the cultivars assessed, the protein and glutencontents and SDS-sedimentation values of Joongmo2008 were the highest, Keumkang were similar to those of HRW, and those of the Baekkang,Jokyung, and Hwanggeum were similar to those of T55. Joongmo 2008 and Keumkang had glutenin contents similar to those of HRW andT55, whereas Baekkang and Hwanggeum had higher HMW-GS (high molecular weight-glutenin subunit) and lower LMW-GS (low molecularweight-glutenin subunit) contents than HRW and T55. The α+β gliadin contents of Jungmo2008 and Keumkang were higher than thoseof other varieties and similar to those of HRW, whereas the γ- and ω-gliadin contents of Baekkang and Hwanggeum were similar to thoseof T55. Mixolab analysis revealed that Joongmo2008 and Keumkang had water absorption and kneading characteristics similar to those ofHRW, and that Baekkang, Hwanngeum, and Jokyung showed characteristics similar to those of T55. Campagne and baguettes prepared usingKorean wheat flour were similar in appearance to those prepared using T55 or HRW, the bread volume of campagne bread was smallerthan that of T55, and the volume of baguettes were similar to that of T55. Joongmo2008 showed a higher bread volume than other Koreanwheat cultivars, which was similar to that of HRW. The quality of sourdough bread prepared from Korean wheat flour was similar to thatmade with commercial flour, although the bread prepared using Joongmo2008 was found to be superior to that prepared using the flour ofother Korean wheat cultivars.

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