국내 밀 품종의 종실 크기 관련 유전자 변이 평가
Allelic Variation at Loci Associated with Grain Properties in Korean Wheat Cultivars
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.52 No.4
- : KCI등재
- 2020.12
- 362 - 373 (12 pages)
Kernel weight is a vital trait for selecting high-yielding wheat in breeding programs. We evaluated the thousand-kernel weight(TKW), test weight (TW), grain length (GL), grain width (GW), grain thickness (GT), and grain roundness (GR) of 41 Korean winter wheatcultivars over a period of 4 years. Correlation analyses revealed that TKW was positively correlated with GL (r=0.76***), GW (r=0.85***),and GT (r=0.84***), whereas TW was negatively correlated with GL (r=-0.38*) and GT (r=-0.31*). Allelic variation was analyzed for 13kernel weight-related genes/loci (TaCwi-A1, TaCWI-4A, TaCWI-5D, TaGW2-6A, TaTGW6-A1, TaTGW-7A, TaGS1a, TaSus1-7A, TaSus1-7B,TaSus2-2B, TaCKX6-D1, TaCKX6a02-D1, and TaSnRk2.3). Significant associations between the allelic variation and kernel traits were identifiedin TaCWI-4A (TW, GL, and GR), TaCWI-5D (TKW), TaGW2-6A (TKW, GL, GW, and GT), TaSus2-2B (TKW, GL, GW, and GT), and TaGS1a(TW). In contrast, we detected no significant association between the allelic variation of TaCwi-A1, TaTGW6-A1, TaSus1-7A, and TaSus1-7Band variations in kernel traits. Also, TaTGW-7A, TaCKX6-D1, TaCKX6a02-D1, and TaSnRK2.3 were found to be monomorphic. The fourloci TaCWI-4A, TaCWI-5D, TaGW2-6A, and TaSus2-2B showed significant phenotypic differences, a totalof 10 different haplotypes (AC1-AC10)were observed at four loci among the Korean wheat cultivars. Cultivars with the AC1 haplotype exhibited significantly higher TKW thanthose with the AC8 haplotype, which comprises alleles for high TKW at all four loci, indicating that additional loci controlling kernel weightmight be present in the high TKW cultivars.
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