최근 검색어 전체 삭제

What is under the Social Masks? - Read through the Models of Meta-Affect

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2020.1.1.105
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We humans are social and emotional animals who live in social environment made up of interpersonal relationships. Each individual has a social network with people from different family background, age gaps, educational background, diversified religious beliefs and social status. Within this sophisticated web, in order to maintain friendly and smooth relationship, people communicates in a skillful way. The true emotions are in disguise of social masks. In order to read and understand the authentic effect of people, meta-affect worth adequate attention. By means of discourse analysis and participant observation, the table rasa level of affect has been peeled out and then models of meta-effect of different categories have been built. Based on post-structuralism, the ubiquitous prototypical representative model for meta-affect was built respectively, which falls into two categories bearing the features of hierarchical, recursive and self-embedded for one type and hierarchical, recursive and self-effaced for the other.

1. Introduction

2. Models of affect and meta-affect on different levels and dimensions

3. Experimental and testify the model with discourse analysis

4. The ego effaced model of affect and meta-affect

5. Counter Examples

6. Conclusions

7. References
