최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Analysis of the Achievements, Prospects and Experience of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2020.1.2.67
  • 3

As a regional cooperation framework, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has accumulated great achievements and rich experiences form many aspects in the past decades. Under the geopolitical power structure of “strong-strong mode” led by China and Russia, the institutional functions of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have been brought into full play, and a strong regulatory mechanism has been formed. All member states have achieved remarkable results in cooperation in various fields and formed a strong sense of identity. At present, although the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, being still in its growth stage, is still facing various challenges both internally and externally, a solid foundation for its long-term stability and development has been laid, with the joining of new members, the extensive common interests among member States, the construction of highly regulated mechanisms as well as the great potential of deepening and expanding cooperation fields.

1. Introduction

2. Achievements of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

3. Prospects of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

4. Successful Experience of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

5. References
