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KCI등재 학술저널

혼성이라는 형태론적 과정의 재구성

Reconstruction of the morphological process of blending

DOI : 10.51157/kmor.2020.22.2.236
  • 583

혼성어의 형성은 현재 진행 중인 단어 형성 과정이라는 점에서 많은 연구자들의 관심을 받아 왔다. 혼성어는 삭감과 결합이라는 두 가지 형식적 조작이 형성 과정에 관여된다는 점에서 기존의 절단어 또는 합성어와 구별되고, 합성 이전의 두 단어가 갖는 지시 대상의 속성을 모두 갖는다는 점에서 두음절어와도 구별되는 매우 독특한 복합어로 논의되어 온 것이다. 그런데 기존의 연구는 혼성어를 하위 유형으로 분류하고, 각 유형별 혼성어가 보여주는 세부적 속성을 기술하는 데 논의를 집중하면서, 혼성이라는 형태론적 과정의 본질적 속성에 대한 탐구에 대한 본격적 논의로까지 나아가지는 못했다. 본고는 혼성이라는 형태론적 과정을 유추론의 관점에서 재구성하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 기존 연구에서 혼성어로 다루어진 연구 대상 자료에 대한 정밀한 분류 작업 및 계량적 분석을 수행함으로써 규칙을 바탕으로 혼성을 기술하려는 방법론이 가진 한계와 문제점을 확인함으로써 혼성이라는 단어 형성 기제의 본질적 속성을 명확히 드러내고, 그러한 논의를 바탕으로 유추론의 관점에서 재구성된 혼성이라는 형태론적 과정의 의미를 정밀하게 분석함으로써, 한국어의 혼성이 결합과 삭감이라는 형식적 조작을 바탕으로 수행되는 규칙 지배적 기제가 아니라 대치라는 형식적 조작을 바탕으로 수행되는 유추 기반의 기제임을 밝혔다.

The formation of hybrid words has been the subject of interest of many researchers in that it is an ongoing word formation process. A hybrid word was defined as a word having a combined form by cutting out a part of each of the two words, and was distinguished from the existing truncated or compounded words in that two formal manipulations, cut and combined, were involved in the formation process. It has been discussed as a very unique compound word that distinguishes it from two syllables in that it has all the attributes of the object to be indicated. However, the existing research has not progressed to a full-scale discussion on the exploration of the essential properties of the morphological process of hybridization, focusing discussion on classifying hybrid languages into subtypes and describing the detailed properties of each type of hybrid language. The formation of hybrid words has attracted attention from many researchers in that it is an ongoing word formation process. Hybrid words are distinguished from conventional truncated words or compound words in that two formal manipulations, cut and combined, are involved in the formation process, and are distinguished from two syllables in that they have all the attributes of the object of indication of the two words before synthesis. It has been discussed as a very unique compound word. However, the existing research has not progressed to a full-scale discussion on the exploration of the essential properties of the morphological process of hybridization, focusing discussion on classifying hybrid languages into subtypes and describing the detailed properties of each type of hybrid word. This paper attempted to reconstruct the morphological process of hybridization from the point of view of analogy. To this end, by performing a precise classification and quantitative analysis on the data to be studied that have been treated as hybrid languages in the existing research, the limitations and problems of the methodology that attempts to describe hybridization based on rules are identified, and at the same time, the essential mechanism for forming the word hybrid. By clarifying the attributes and reconstructing the morphological process of hybridization from the perspective of vocabulary-inference-centered morphology based on the discussion, the hybridization of Korean is not a rule-dominated mechanism performed based on the formal manipulation of combination and reduction. It was revealed that it is an analogy-based mechanism performed based on replacement as the formal manipulation.

1. 서론

2. 혼성어의 유형과 실재성

3. 혼성을 구성하는 세 가지 층위

4. 혼성이라는 형태론적 과정의 재구성

5. 결론

