The Chinese Perspectives of the Korean Unification: Evidence from the Chinese Academic Publications
- 한국학술연구원
- Korea Observer
- Vol 51, No 4
- 2020.12
- 551 - 587 (37 pages)
What a re the Chinese p erspectives on Korean unification, and what a re the concerns and expectations? The English-language literature on this subject lacks citations from primary sources to claim a wide survey of Chinese perspectives. Based upon the 62 Chinese journal articles and 29 expert commentaries in Chinese, I infer a broad spectrum of Chinese thinking on the Korea unification. I find that the Chinese analysts have contemplated a relatively more moderate approach to managing the Korean unification process with the US than often assumed outside China. In this context, I argue that there is a room for negotiation to enhance the crisis-management mechanism with China on the affairs of Korean unification. This article contributes to broadening the extant body of knowledge on the China-Korean Peninsula relations by identifying the breadth of the Chinese views on the Korean unification.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. How do we know the Chinese Perspectives of the Korean Unification?
Ⅲ. What have Chinese Analysts Written about Korean Unification?
Ⅳ. Discussion: the U.S.-China Strategic Competition and Korean Unification
Ⅴ. Conclusion