최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Effects of Recasts in SLA: A Review for Research Synthesis

L2 researchers have been investigating the role and effect of recasts as a type of negative feedback in SLA. The present study reviews sixteen empirical studies on recasts from a synthetic perspective. Since there are many moderator factors which may reduce or enhance the effect of recasts, this study examined and compared the studies in terms of 1) definition of recasts, 2) learner factors (age, proficiency, and developmental readiness), 3) language factors (morphemes or type of L2 structures), and 4) measures. Findings indicate that overall, recasts play a facilitative role in SLA and that the degree of effectiveness is dependent on the operationalization of recasts and the moderator variables. Suggestions are made for future research on recasts and their synthesis.


I. Introduction

II. Method

III. Analysis and synthesis of the studies

IV. Conclusion


Appendix A
