This study overviews the trends in China s corpus-based translation studies, and focuses on several studies on corpus-based translator education. According to the studies that analyzed the trends of corpus-based translation studies in China, the most popular research subject is linguistic features of translation texts, specifically translation universals such as ‘explication . The second popular research subject is the application of corpus, such as studies on the application of corpus in translator education. As noteworthy case studies on corpus-based translator education, this study introduces two corpus-based online translation training systems developed by Chinese researchers. One is English-Chinese online translation training system developed by City University of Hong Kong, and the other one is the Han Suyin Contest Corpus(parellel corpus built from the award-winning translation works of the national translation contest) developed by Xiamen University of Technology.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 중국의 코퍼스 기반 번역 연구
Ⅲ. 중국의 코퍼스 기반 번역 교육 사례 연구
Ⅳ. 결론