Human Security Task and Prospect on COVID-19 Pandemic
- International Journal of Terrorism & National Security
- vol.5 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.12
- 48 - 55 (8 pages)
Purpose: The study is due to the recent outbreak of global corona virus and is aimed at raising the need for international solidarity and cooperation for the overall development of humanity, starting with the perception that human security threats are increasing and international cooperation and solidarity are collapsing due to each country s selfish response. Method: In order to achieve this purpose, the cause of the current outbreak of COVID-19 and the cause of the collapse of international solidarity was investigated and seek joint reconstruction and cooperation in the inter-national community, focusing on South Korea s K-quarantine system. Results: South Korea played an early leading role in preventing COVID-19, centering on the K quarantine sys-tem. Based on this, the COVID-19 response strategy is being transferred to countries around the world. Developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and Japan, however, suffered numerous damage and economic damage due to the failure of early quarantine. In addition, there are differences over the responsibility battle, transparency, vaccine development and distribution of the COVID-19 crisis between the U.S. and China. Conclusion: Today, the COVID-19 crisis is rapidly spreading due to the openness and mobility of the interna-tional community as one of human security and poses a major threat to humanity. Due to the imbalance of related substances such as vaccine development, quarantine system, medicines, and masks, there is a serious gap in response between developed and underdeveloped countries. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the inter-national community wants to strengthen cooperation and solidarity to contribute to the construction of a bright future for mankind. At the same time, the government will seek ways to overcome the COVID-19 crisis, which has emerged as the biggest threat to health and security, through active participation and support from local gov-ernments and civic groups.
1. Introduction
2. Concept and Definition of Human Security
3. COVID-19 and Human Security
4. COVID-19: The Collapse and Response of International Solidarity and Response
5. K-Quarantine Model’s Global Expansion
6. Conclusion and Implication
7. References
8. Appendix