최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Effects of Telephone Consultation after Discharge on the Secondary PREVENTION Knowledge and the Medication Adherence in STROKE Patients

DOI : 10.22471/kinesiology.2020.5.2.90
  • 13

Purpose: This study investigated the effects of Telephone Counseling on Secondary Prevention Knowledge and Medication Adherenc after Discharge in Stroke Patients Method: Data were collected from April 19 to August 25, 2018 from patients who were diagnosed with stroke at a general hospital and were discharged from hospital after individual discharge education. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS/WIN 23.0 program for descriptive statistics, x²-test, Fisher’s Exact, independent t-test. Results: Secondary prevention knowledge increased in experimental group(15.06±0.24) more than a control group(8.09±3.21)(t=-8.96, p<.001). A medication adherence for secondary prevention increased in experimental group(6.34±0.69) more than a control group(3.40±1.99)(t=-5.94, p<.001). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that once-call counseling after discharge of primary stroke patients increases knowledge of secondary prevention and drug use, which may increase the effi-ciency of nursing work.

1. Introduction

2. Purpose of Research

3. Hypothses of Research

4. Definition of Terminology

5. Research Method

6. Results

7. Discussion

8. Conclusion and Suggestion

9. References

10. Appendix
