최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Exploring the Experience of Job CONVERGENCE Change in the Beauty and Health Industry Using Grounded Theory

DOI : 10.22471/protective.2020.5.2.84
  • 34

Purpose: Currently, the beauty/health industry is playing a public role in implementing changes in various consumer markets. In this central role, there are workers who work in the beauty/health industry, and they play the role of mediators seeking health and beauty. Therefore, this study attempts to verify the experience of workers according to the change in the occupational field of the beauty/health industry with a grounded theory, and investigate a strategy for responding to future occupations. Method: In the selection of research participants in this study, a sample was extracted by adopting purpose-ful sampling, snowball sampling, which is one of the non-probability of artificially sampling the subjects who can contribute to the development of the theory of the research. The research procedure went through five steps: selection of research questions, selection of research participants and data collection, analysis of data, interpretation of data, and report of research results. A theoretical sample was extracted through the proce-dures of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding to find key categories and classify them by type. Results: In the process of naming concepts and confirming the attributes and dimensions of categories through continuous questioning and comparative analysis based on data obtained from participants, 95 con-cepts, 37 subcategories, and 21 categories were identified. Accordingly, with regard to the attitude of ac-ceptance and the search for change, there are four types in classification such as ‘innovators who are active in change, the ‘early majority who pursues economic benefits first, and the ‘late majority’ who do not ignore the innovation itself but join late, and ‘laggards , which ignore change or innovation itself. Conclusion: In terms of job acceptance attitude, there are diverse variables such as job satisfaction, career attitude, and acceptance intention. In this study, it was confirmed that participants attitudes toward change in occupational field of beauty/health industry can be expressed in various ways. Through the results of this study, it is meaningful that this study may present basic information on strategies and methods to cope with changes of the beauty/health industry in the future.

1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Conclusion and Recommendations

5. References

6. Appendix
