최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the CHANGE in Plants of the Wind Power Complex in Mt. Hyeonjong

DOI : 10.22471/protective.2020.5.2.01
  • 7

Purpose: To identify the changes in plants before, during, and after the wind farm construction in Mt. Hyeonjong, we investigated the number of plant species. And we studied the main characteristics of the distribution status in plants family composition, plant life form analysis, Korean endemic plant, rare plant, specific plants by phytogeography, naturalized plant, and invasive alien plants. We compared this data to confirm the change before or after the wind farm construction. Method: We conducted the plants form research 16times in five years. Before the wind farm construc-tion(2014 and 2015), during the wind farm construction(2017 and 2018), and after the wind farm con-struction(2019). Plants changes were analyzed based on the results obtained through field trips. Accord-ing to the national standard plant list, we listed plant names and scientific names(the Korea national arboretum & the plant taxonomic society of Korea 2015). We arranged the classification groups according to the Engler system. Based on the created plants list, the Korean endemic plant, rare plant, specific plants by phytogeography, naturalized plant, and invasive alien plants were extracted and analyzed. Results: The vascular plants decreased compared to before wind farm construction. Compositae was the most common category in plants family composition. Korean endemic plants decreased from 3 spe-cies before the construction to 2 species after the construction. Rare plants were investigated 4 species of Vulnerable species(VU) and 2 species of Least Concerned species(LC). Specific plants by phytogeogra-phy were surveyed the same as a total of 13 species. Naturalized plants decreased from 33 species to 20 species and 26 species. Then, they increased again. Conclusion: As a result of this study, the total plant species, Korean endemic plant, and rare plant growing were reduced in the wind farm section in Mt. Hyeonjong. However, many Naturalized plants and 1 and 2 years old herbage appeared in the area. So we found out that ecological stability was not yet stable, and the disturbance was continuing. In this study, the investigation period after wind farm con-struction is one year, which is a short time to observe and analyze plants succession state, and a follow-up study to examine the growth characteristics of plants more closely is needed.

1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results & Discussion

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
